Chapter 6

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Rose POV

I walked out of Y/N's room and saw Jennie and Lisa running down the hallway back to the kitchen. I knew they were going to try and be sneaky but I didn't think they would actually come up to the door to try to listen to the conversation. I just shook my head and walked the other way. I was not going to deal with them right now especially after that conversation. So I walked to the room I was sharing with Jisoo and laid down in the bed.

"Rose." Jisoo said with a small sleepy voice. 

"Yes unnie, it's me." I responded forgetting she was in the bed next to mines. I was too busy replaying the conversation in my head over and over again. 

"Okay. Goodnight Rose." Jisoo said and drifted back to sleep. 

"Goodnight unnie." I couldn't help smile with my response. The conversation 100 percent did not go the way that I wanted it to. Y/N was so angry with me and she has never been that mad at me before. I have never seen her that way. She raised her voice at me. But, she said she loves me. I almost missed it because I was so scared about the fact she was yelling at me. But, she stated that she loves me. Y/N actually loves me. That is all I could think as I was getting ready for bed. Once I was done with my night routine I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face just because I knew. I definitely knew. Y/N loves me.

*Next morning*


My alarms seem to be blaring more than usual this morning. It was 4 am and I know I know. It's early but I planned on working out before this crazy day got started. I groaned getting up because last night's conversation was not what I thought it would have been. My eyes felt so heavy and my body felt so defeated but I had to get up and go for a run. I did my morning routine and got dressed and out the door I went to start my run. 

Why did she have to tell me all of that last night? Couldn't it have waited for us to get back to Korea. Did she really need to tell me why she chose to leave me the day before they were going to make history? I need to focus. I can't think of Rose right now. I shouldn't be thinking about last nights conversation. I need to really focus. Today is already going to be hectic with everyone running around making sure every member of Blackpink is safe in every way possible. The ladies want to go to Coachella before they're set and watch some of the other artists. I need to meet with the other guards to make sure they know what is going to happen. Who is going to be with who. Where they will need to be. 

I told Rose I love her. My eyes widen and I stopped in my tracks. "I told her I love her." I said out loud trying to just remember if I really said it or not. I started to run again The memory just came back to me. Those words really slipped out of my mouth last night. I told Rose I love her. Not even past tense. But, she said it back. I heard her. She said it back to me. Stop Y/N. We need to focus. It's not the day to think of what happened last night. It's not the day to see if you and your EX-GIRLFRIEND still has something there. Stay focus and do your job today. That is something we will deal with later. But for now! Blackpink is what is happening now. Coachella is what is happening now. STAY FOCUS. 

I finally got back to the house and went to take a shower. It seemed that everyone was still asleep so that was good I was able to sneak in and out of the house. I met with the other eight guards that were going to be with the members. It was about 7 am when I met with the other bodyguards and the some of the ladies of Blackpink were just starting to wake up. 

"Y/N" I turned around to the sound of my name and saw Jennie calling out to me. 

"Good morning Miss Kim." I said when she got closer to me. I could see the excitement jumping out of her. 

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