Chapter 13

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A few days have passed since Rose asked for another chance and with me just walking out on her. The other ladies of Blackpink have been trying to talk to me but I just couldn't really get myself up to talk to anyone right now. I talked it out with Tony and he told me to follow my heart. That he had a feeling this was going to happen sooner or later but he thought that I would have been the one to confess my feelings. But, overall he told me that I would need to follow my heart and not to overthink the whole situation. Which, I have a huge problem with that because all I do is overthink everything. Things have not been awkward or at least in my opinion it hasn't been but every time we have been around each other I just keep as quiet as possible, keep my responses very short and simple, and keep a distance.

I have also been trying to avoid the ladies as much as possible and it was quite easy when they have back to back shows and we are traveling from one location to another. Plus, whenever they want to go sight seeing they never want to go to the same place so that means I never really have to be with any of them. I have been talking with Tony a lot lately and every time he just tells me to follow my heart. But, how does that help when my heart has no clue what to do. 

We currently are on the last day of the last show of the European tour in Spain and I was currently just waiting in the lobby for the ladies to come down so that we could head to the venue. 

"Why have you been so quiet lately?" Alice asked me after bringing her attention away from her phone. We were the only two down in the lobby waiting for everyone. I turned my attention to her. 

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently. 

"Y/N, you have been so quiet lately. You don't even talk to any of the manager or even the girls anymore. Like before you would be able to talk to us and have conversations but now it seems like you don't want to be around us at all." Alice explained further. 

"I think I'm just going through something." I responded with a small shrug.

"Well, if you need to talk about it, we are all here to help you. I would say we are all pretty good listeners." Alice said not really wanting to push the subject. Luckily she wouldn't be able to because the elevator dinged and all the members of Blackpink and the other managers walked out. We all made our way out of the front doors of the hotel and towards the cars. 

"Y/N, I want to ride in the car you are going in." Jennie spoke when we got to the cars. I just looked at her because I was going to ride in a car by myself while the managers went two and two with the members. I just nodded my head because there was no point in arguing and fixed the car situation. I opened the door for Jennie to get in the vehicle I was going to ride in. Once she got in, I closed the door and then opened the doors for the rest of the members and managers to get into their respective cars.  Once, I saw the other cars leave I got into the car with a waiting Jennie. 

"Why did you want to ride with me?" I asked once we started moving. 

"Because you haven't spoken to any of us since you walked out on Rose and I wanted some answers." Jennie said very stern. 

"Answers?" I looked out the window not really giving her my full attention.

"Yes Y/N, I want some answers. Why did you walk out on her?" Jennie's voice started getting softer. 

"She told me to." I answered quickly still not looking at her.

"Do you still love her?" Jennie's voice kept going from soft to stern. 

"I don't know." I answered truthfully. I really didn't know if I still loved her or if I feel like I should just because she is around me again. I was confused and being around her all the time doesn't really help me process anything. My thoughts haven't been able to settle and figure itself out. 

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