Chapter 9

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A/N: Happy Halloween! Hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to eat some candy for me. :)


We arrived to the hotel and there were fans outside waiting for the ladies. I'm glad that there were security and barricades up for the fans to not pass because if we had to go through what we just went through at the airport I would have probably lost it. I don't think I could handle that twice in a day. But, Jennie and Rose got into the hotel no problem and were now situated in their room that they were sharing. I went to go find Lisa and Jisoo after I set my things in my room and met up with the other guards for a small brief of what happened at the airport. 

I went up to the room that they were sharing and knocked on it. I had a feeling that they knew I was coming to look for them because Lisa opened the door so quickly. 

"Y/N!" She screamed when she opened the door and pulled me into a hug. I didn't even have time to react. I just stood there while she hugged me. "I missed you! Why didn't you stay in California? We could have went to lunch! We could have went shopping. We could have hung out the whole time!" She basically rambled. 

"Lisa, please let go. I'm happy to see you too but I'm not big on physical touch." I responded because the hug was getting too much for me. 

"Oh sorry!" She responded and let go. "Come, come, come, Jisoo unnie is inside." She said with so much excitement and pulled me into the room. I had no choice other than to follow her. I do have to say the rooms that these ladies were staying in were definitely more than I ever thought a hotel would actually have. Even as a fighter I didn't stay in huge hotel rooms. I liked the basic rooms, you know the ones with just a bed, shower, and maybe a little sitting area if I was lucky. But, these rooms had a whole living room, kitchen, dining room, connecting bedrooms and a bathroom for each room. I walked into the room and was wide eyed. 

"I don't think Y/N has ever been in a room like this." Jisoo said when she saw me. She was just sitting on the couch in the living room when I walked in with Lisa.

"Really? Y/N you were a professional fighter. You are going to tell me you didn't stay in rooms like this?" Lisa asked dumbfounded, raised her hands up and did a spin. 

"Nope. I stayed in basic rooms. Didn't really see a point in staying in something huge when I was barely in the room. I was usually at practice or at a tournament. I never was in the room unless I was sleeping or had to shower. Didn't really see a point in spending more money when I didn't need to." I responded still shocked at how huge this room was. I thought I was rich but these ladies were rich rich. 

"We barely get to leave our rooms. We have to get approval from our managers before we can go anywhere. But Jisoo, whenever she can she stays in the hotel room." Lisa said and pointed to Jisoo when she said her name. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I like staying in the hotel." Jisoo replied slightly offended.

"I don't blame you. I would stay in the hotel too if it was this big every time. But, I just came to check to see if you guys were okay. I heard from the other guards that your airport appearance wasn't as bad as Rose and Jennie but it was still pretty crazy." I replied. I wasn't really here to see the room. I had to check if the other half of Blackpink was okay because I wasn't there. 

"Oh, it was okay. Jisoo unnie and I got out of there in one piece. Just a lot of fans but it's always great to see them." Lisa said with a smile on her face and went to sit next to Jisoo on the couch. 

"Okay good. Well, I'm going to go so you ladies can relax. I'll see you tomorrow." I said while walking towards the door. 

"Wait!" Jisoo said and then said something to Lisa in Korean. I stopped in my tracks and looked back at half of Blackpink.

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