Chapter 11

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It has been a few days since we have been in Korea and my apartment was really nice. It was simple but to be honest YG entertainment hooked it up really well. It came with all the household goods like a bed, cooking equipment, couch, etc. I knew it was in my contract that they were going to house me somewhere but I was thinking like something small and especially not all decked out. I was also shocked that most of my things were already here and placed inside the apartment. I didn't really pack much up to move, just the essentials that would help me feel like this was a home. You know, my home; the home that would be my home for the next few months.  

All my neighbors seem to be around the same age and they all looked like they were in the Kpop industry in some way. I haven't really talked to anyone since moving in because I needed to catch up on sleep but I saw a few of them here and there when I would go to the gym or run to the convenience store downstairs.  The jet lag was definitely getting to me so I was up at random times of the day. 

My social media also blew up the last few days too because of the incident of carrying Jennie on my back. Everyone seemed to want to know who the lucky person was to carry Jennie. I was sure that most blinks don't know about the fighting world but their detective skills are unmatched. They started to put two and two together and realized that I was Blackpink's new bodyguard because my fighting career was over and a lot of them seem to support the new change. There was a lot of thirst comments too so I had to shut my notifications off because they were just too much for me. 

I was currently making my way out of my apartment and heading towards the elevator so that I could get some of my laundry done and to explore a little more of the area I was in. I have just been stuck in the apartment building so I thought today out of all days would be a good one to go and explore. Plus, I was running out of clothes and needed to repack my carry-on bag for the upcoming shows in Europe.

"Hey, could you hold the elevator?" I spoke out because I saw that it was on my floor but the doors were slowly closing. There was a hand that held it so that it would stay open and I was able to get in. "Thank you."

"No problem. I'm Minnie, are you the new person that just moved in? I haven't seen you around here before." She spoke and when I looked at her face I was hypnotized by her eyes. She reached her hand out and I reached up to connect my hands to hers. 

"Yes, hi, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you. Your eyes are very beautiful." I responded and let go of her hand. The compliment was just something that happened, I couldn't help myself. She gave me a little giggle.

"Thank you." Minnie responded with a smile and her cheeks were turning a little red. "So are you an idol yourself?" 

"Oh no. I'm definitely not an idol." I responded shaking my head. "I'm just a body guard."

"Really? You look like you could be an idol..." Minnie spoke with a hint of shyness in her voice. The elevator dinged and we both stepped out. 

"Ha, thank you but idol life does not seem like one I could really handle. But, I admire anyone who can do handle it. I have seen first hand what they have to go through and it's a lot. I'm guessing you are an idol?" I asked while we walked towards the front door of the apartment building. 

"Yes, I'm part of G-Idle. You should listen to us sometimes." She smiled when speaking. 

"Maybe.. but I'll see you around. I have to go this way and you seem to have to go that way because there are some people looking at you." I responded looking over her shoulder where I could see 3 people looking at her. She turned around and looked at the people I was talking about. She turned back around to look at me. 

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