Chapter 22

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"Where am I?" I asked groggily opening my eyes internally freaking out. I had no clue where I was or how I even got there. I started looking around and I was currently laying down in a hospital room. "How the hell did I get here?" I spoke out loud wiping at my eyes because they needed to get adjusted to the lights in the room. 

"Woah! Look at who is finally awake." I turned my head to the door and saw that Nikki was entering the room. 

"Nikki? What are you doing here? How did I get here?" I asked curiously. 

"I'm guessing you don't remember anything, huh?" Nikki asked ignoring my questions while sitting down at the chair next to my bed. 

"No, the last thing I remember was fans on the hotel floor. Hotel security guards yelling and me getting hit by one of them over and over again." I said struggling to piece everything. 

"Do you remember when that happened?" Nikki asked even further. 

"No. Wait! How long have I been asleep?" I was now panicking that I have been out for so long. If Nikki is asking if I remember when that happened then I must have been out for awhile. Did the ladies make it to the concert that day? Do I still have a job? Are the ladies okay? Did they make it out of the hotel? What happened? Where are the ladies of Blackpink? Where is Rose? Does she think I just left her? I would never just leave her. 

"Y/N, breathe. Breathe. You have been in a coma for a few months. I would say like around 3 months now. There is also a pandemic happening right now so that is why your family isn't here. No one can get into the country." Nikki explained to me. 

"3 months! A pandemic? No one can get into the country? I'm still in Japan? How am I suppose to go back to Korea? Am I suppose to go home to Australia? Am I stuck here?" I was definitely full on panicking at this point. 

"No. Y/N, you need to breathe. Relax a little bit. Calm down. You might throw yourself back into a coma with the amount of panic you have right now. Yes. You are still in Japan. Rose called Tony who called me because no one was able to come to you sooner. I had to tell the hospital that I was your cousin and that I lived here so I could come and visit you. Everyone wanted to make sure that someone was here to make sure you are alright." Nikki started explaining and I was just nodding my head trying to understand everything. "I contacted your parents already because they were also scared that they couldn't get ahold of you. There is a pandemic happening right now so most of the world is shut down like shut down shut down. No one in or out. But, because you work for YG they made a deal with the country or something that once you are able to get released from the hospital, you will get on a flight home to Korea and will be on lock down there." Nikki continued. 

"Okay, okay." I responded. This was a lot to process waking up from a coma. Once Nikki finished explaining even more and catching me up on things that I have missed in the past 3 months, the doctors came in and checked on my vitals and to make sure that I was okay. Apparently, the officer that was hitting me with the baton was a new officer at the hotel and when he was swinging the baton it hit me in the back of the head and that impact is what knocked me out. It wasn't life threatening but it was definitely scary for everyone that I just automatically passed out. They did say that on the CCTV that they watched he was swinging the baton pretty hard while other officers were gently swinging theirs motioning fans out of the hallway. 

I stayed in the hospital for a few more days to make sure that I was able to walk and talk and still had all my motor skills. The doctors also wanted to make sure that I didn't have Covid because if I did then they would have not sent me back to Korea so quickly and I would have to isolate myself here until I tested negative. I called my parents to make sure they weren't worried about me anymore but to make sure that they were safe from all of new things happening. I also called Tony to let him know I was okay. He was stuck in New York with all this pandemic stuff so he wasn't able to fly over to stay with me or back to his family. I understood and definitely felt bad that he was alone during all of this.

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