Chapter 28

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We arrived to Jennie's house and it was really nice. She didn't live that far from the record label but the car ride to her home was very quiet. Well, quiet in my part. The ladies of Blackpink were just talking to each other in Korean and of course I didn't understand anything so I just stayed silent and looked out of the window. Jisoo hasn't really spoken to me either since the initial "hello" so I knew she was very angry with me. Who wouldn't be? I hurt Rose. The one person I would have never want to hurt ever. 

Jennie's home was really the epitome of Jennie. It was clean and organized and she kept prized possessions that she got from fans and from the other members of Blackpink. She had photos hung up and their accomplishments hanging from the walls. It was really chic and I was surprised to see how many stuff animals she had everywhere. All the girls are really into these stuff animals and she seemed to keep as many as Rose did when I saw them in her room that one time I went over there. 

"Please make yourself at home, Y/N. The rest of the ladies are going to make themselves comfortable so you should too. I'm still currently mad at you but I'm not going to treat you any different from before. I have missed having you around." Jennie spoke when she saw me just standing in one spot once we entered but from that spot I was looking around her home. Well just around her living room and kitchen/dining room area. She followed the rest of the ladies to the back areas with what I am guessing the bedrooms.

"Thank you Miss Kim." I said not really wanting to push the whole friendship thing because to be honest I didn't think we were friends at this point. After she spoke to me, I went and looked around at the photos on the wall. After I finished looking at all the photos I went and sat on the couch. I guess the other ladies have been here so many times because they all went to go change from the clothes they had on earlier to pajamas. They are really taking this whole day off situation to the fullest. 

"Are you hungry?" Lisa asked when she came back out from changing.

"Uhm... not really. I had a little bit to eat before going to the record label." I answered quickly. 

"So how have you been?" Lisa asked and came to sit on the couch. Rose, Jisoo, and Jennie started to make their way out of the back rooms. 

"I have been alright." I spoke and just went through all the adventures I have gone through in the past 2 years. I didn't really want to tell them everything that I went through or the girl I dated when I was in Thailand. I didn't think they really need to know about that. 

"That is good. I'm glad you were able to go and find yourself again." Jennie said after I finished my story. 

"So.... what are you thinking about now?" Rose asked. It was the first time she said anything to me since the office talk. 

"I don't know. I wanted to see what the CEO had to say about me coming back but to just bring out his "big guns" (I said and motioned to the 4 ladies sitting around me.) to try to convince me to come back. I'm actually shocked." I spoke truthfully. 

"Do you want to come back for us?" Rose asked trying to look at me but I noticed that she kept looking past me as well. I don't think that was the true question she was trying to ask me. Are we going to relive our first encounter all over again?

"I would love to work for you ladies again but only if you would want me to come back and it wouldn't be awkward. I don't want to make things hard for any of you ladies." I said. 

"Are you going to hook up with Rose again?" Jisoo asked. All of us got wide-eyed because the last time I spoke to Rose about how much Jisoo knew about us she said that Jisoo didn't really think we did anything more than kiss even when we were dating. That is why she never went to the company and told them that we were dating. 

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