Chapter 24

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It has been a few weeks since Rose and I have gotten back together and to be honest it has been fucking amazing. We have been able to just live our lives without the pressure of the public because of this pandemic. We have been spending a lot of time in my apartment just hanging out. She would come over and stay for a few days and then go back to the Blackpink apartment whenever she had to go to work. YG entertainment is still working even with the pandemic going on but I haven't really been asked to do any work. The ladies have just been going back and forth from the apartment to the agency to record music, have dance practice, photoshoots, etc. They haven't really been able to go out and do much more after that. So on days where the Blackpink ladies have nothing on their schedule, Rose would just come over and hang out. 

I was currently on my way to the YG building because Jin called me the other day saying that the CEO needed to see me. They haven't really asked for me since the incident in Japan so I had no clue what this meeting would be about. Usually, they would just email me or text me if I needed to go do something. 

I got to the YG building in no time and stepped out of the vehicle. I walked into the building. I haven't been here since I first came to meet with Blackpink and to meet with my ex-girlfriend. Well, now girlfriend again. I would only come here when Blackpink had to go to the airport right after practice or right after recording but I never really had to step into the building. It was so eerie, there was barely anyone around. Not, like how it was the first time I stepped into this place with tons of people running around, music playing, just a booming atmosphere. There was only the security guard and the receptionist. I felt very uncomfortable. 

"Hi Y/N, nice to see you again." The receptionist spoke to me when I walked up to the desk. 

"Hey...." I started to trail off because I didn't catch her name when I came in here the first time and her name was no where on the desk. 

"Jill." She finished the sentence for me. 

"Jill. Hey Jill. How are you?" I responded with a soft smile. She couldn't really see it because we were all wearing masks but I am sure my eyes showed that I smiled. 

"I'm okay. A little bored but I'm happy I'm still working. How are you?" Jill responded back to me. 

"That is good. I'm doing alright just been hanging out. Could you please let the CEO that I'm here?" I asked because I didn't want him to think that I was late or anything for our meeting. 

"Oh, I already did. When I saw you walk in, I gave a ring to the people upstairs. Jin said he was on his way down right now." Jill responded back to me and right on cue Jin walked out of the elevator. I could see from my peripheral that he was making his way towards me.

"Thank you Jill. I hope it isn't too boring for you. Have a good day." I finished talking to Jill and turned around to face Jin. "Hello Jin." I said and gave him a little bow. He returned the little bow.

"Hey Y/N. Ready?" Jin asked and motioned a small thank you to Jill. 

"Yeah, I'm ready." I responded to Jin and we made our way to the elevator. 

"How have you been? The incident didn't hurt you to bad did it?" Jin asked when we got into the elevator. 

"I am been good. I'm trying to figure out this whole pandemic thing because I was knocked out when it first started so it is a bit odd but overall I'm not hurt and still able to stay in shape so I feel good right now." I spoke sincerely. 

"That's good. When we heard about the incident we were all worried about you. But, I knew you would bounce back in no time." Jin said. We got to the CEO office and I had a seat at the table in the same spot I did the first time. This was some freaky deja vu type of situation. 

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