Chapter 8

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I paid the bill for all of us which Rose was not to happy about. When she asked for the bill and the server already told her that it was taken care of. There was only one person who would have paid if she wasn't able to. 

"Y/N, you should not be paying for the food!" Rose said in her fake angry voice when she turned her attention to me. I just shrugged it off.

"Thank you for lunch, Y/N." Jane said to me but with a shocked/defeated face because I don't think she was expecting that I was going to pay. I just nodded to her comment and Rose and I bantered about the bill like we used to when I would pay for our dates. She would try and pay but I was very much adamant on paying the bill whenever we were together. But, after our little bicker both groups went their separate ways. Tony and I were now off to look at apartments for him in New York. We didn't ask what Rose and Jane had planned for the rest of the day but I will probably find out later.

"Time Skip"

The rest of the time in New York was a little stressful. Tony took forever to find an apartment but eventually found a place that he liked and put down a down payment. He plans to move in within the next few weeks. He has to get an actually job now and I feel bad because he was so used to traveling with me and just enjoying life. Now, he is about to be stuck in an office, well probably. 

I was currently at the JFK airport with Rose, Jane, Jennie and Alison. I was absolutely clueless about the fact that Jennie flew into New York but I guess she did it because she needed to get some work done. I can't believe these ladies. Even when they should be relaxing they are maxing out their schedules. We went through security and everything and I was currently the only body guard with them right now. We were hanging out in the lounge waiting for our flight. Rose, Jane and Alison had their headphones in and seemed really focused on their phones.  

"So how was your vacation?" Jennie asked. I lifted my head to see if she was really talking to me but I guess I was the only one really on vacation so the question had to be towards me. 

"It was good. I got to spend time with my best friend and get him settled in a new place. So it was a win win situation, I got to relax and I know where my best friend will be." I responded nonchalantly. 

"That's good. I'm guessing you were happy to get away from all of us, huh?" She joked. 

"Not even, I don't think I could ever get away from you ladies even if I tried. I had a forced lunch with Rose and Jane. I'm surprised she didn't tell you, doesn't she tell you everything?" I joked back.

"You had lunch with Rose, but not with me?" She said with a playful hurt voice and raised her hand up to her chest like she was offended. "I'm jealous. But, she did tell me. Well she told all of us. Blackpink doesn't have any secrets."

"Jennie. If you asked I would have had lunch with you. You do have my number. But, to be honest, I didn't even know you were in New York." I said playfully. 

"What kind of body guard are you? Can't even keep track of who you are suppose to be protecting." She responded back playfully. "I feel like we need to let you go if you don't know where all of us are at any point of the day."

"Ma'am if you want to let me go, then please be my guest." I said with a laughing voice. "I'm sure it wouldn't be as awkward." My voice kind of changed at the end and it was leaning towards a hurt tone just knowing that it has to 100 percent always be awkward for everyone whenever Rose and I are together. 

"Y/N, I don't think Rose would even allow any of us to let you go. You will be stuck with us until the end of your contract maybe even longer than that. I bet if I even brought up the idea of letting you go, I'm positive Rose would murder me in my sleep." She laughed not catching my changing tone. 

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