(MM) Donatello x frog mutant

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The art above is not mine!
Donnie's POV

I jump with my brothers from rooftop to roof top. Dad sent us to go get groceries. Leo was acting dramatic about it. I was listening to BTS while leo started talking about our "mission".

"I'm just trying to get you guys hyped!" I took my headphones off and listened to them play fight, well I guess more of attack leo. "Whatever guys."

"Donnie, you're on toiletries, Raph stocking up the pantry, and mikey your on junk food"

"Yes sirski"

We spent like 20 minutes getting everything and we sat up on the rooftop again talking.

"Guys we have to go back dad might get worried"

"Leo, I think you do more worrying than him"

"That's so true" I laugh at what raphael said. "Hey guys we should go watch a movie!"

"Hell yeah!" Mikey and raph were hyped up.

"No ok dad will ground us!"

We ignored leo and went to the movies anyways. Of course being the overprotective leader or whatever he followed us. We sat high up do the humans couldn't see us.

We watched for like 10 minutes then u heard a noise behind us. I turned to see someone climbing up. A girl appeared she made eye contact with me. I look around to see my brothers gone.

"Hey? You ok?" She asked me.

"I- yeah great my uh brothers are gone"

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry"

"No not like dead they just ran off on me"

"Oh cool.... I'm Y/N" she held her hand out to me. I dapped her up.


"You have 3 fingers?" I don't think she could see my face.

"I Uh yeah car accident"

"Oh I'm so sorry."

"It's ok it happed when I was very young."

"Oh ok. Do you like this movie?"

"I've never seen it-"

She moved closer I could see her beautiful eyes and her perfect face. She looked shocked.

"Nice costume"

"It's not a costume"

"What do you mean?" She held my chin to analyse. "Woah! You're a turtle and a mutant that's so cool."

"You don't think it's weird."

"No! I'm a frog mutant" She took her hair off showing that it was a wig. "I have prosthetics to cover my green skin, my hands and feet."

"Why did I think of that?"

"Because I'm better"


"Anyways it was fun meeting you I have to go"

"Want me to walk you home?"

"Uh sure"

We got down from the building and started walking down the alleyways. She was scrolling through Spotify.

"So uh you watch anime?" I asked her.

"Yeah! I love it my favourites would have to be attack on titian, death note, my hero academia, one piece and that's about it but I do love horror movies or medieval stuff."

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