(rot) Donnie x april sister 2

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y/n pov

I was in computer science with the purple dragons and april sat next to me.

Donnie was enjoying being a part of the Purple dragons. I was close to getting kicked out because I couldn't hack into a bank. Its fire wall was too secure. Don didn't like the idea of stealing but he only helped because of me.

Kendra was starting to act like a loving girl around him. She would always touch his arm and compliment him. Of course he was too blind to see it, I get jealous when she is around him. I like donnie, It's been 3 months since we met everyone else calls him Von, because he didn't tell them his real name.

"yo y/n get that fire wall down." Kendra put a hand on my shoulder making me jump. "calm down in not the police" she laughed walking over to donnie.

"hey von" she said with a flirty tone.

"oh hello kendra"

"i really like you vonnie" She glanced into his eyes.

He looked at me, i looked back at my computer trying to break the firewall. Kendra put a hand on his face causing him to look at her. She lent up and kissed him. I looked back and saw them. My heart sank. April looked away from the computer and saw me.

"sis are you ok?" She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"no" i sobbed and looked at her with teary eyes. "look" i pointed to Kendra.

Donnie pushed her off.

"no thank you kendra." He wiped his lips and got out some sanitizer. from his shell.

"WHAT!" she yelled at him.

"i don't like you in that way"


"what?" he looked back at her with sorrow in his eyes. "you're kicking me out?"

"that's what i said dumbass!" she crossed her arms and sat down.

Donnie looked over at me and april, he saw i was crying and april hugged me tight. He walked over to me and gave me a hug. I get he didn't want the kiss but it still angered me. I pushed him off and ran out of the classroom. April looked at the turtle with a 'go fix that' look on her face.

I ran into the bathroom. I head butted the wall next to a mirror. Why did i think he would like me? and kendra! she's a punk ass slut! I punched the mirror making it break. The glass shards fell to the floor. I looked at my fist, it was bleeding and had glass through it. I fell to the floor crying. The door opened and i saw Donnie.

"y/n" he had his eyes covered.

"get out this is the girls bathroom!" I yelled at him with pure rage.

"look y/n im sorry kendra kissed me-"

"It's not that! well it is- i just" i cried.

he walked over and sat next to me observing the broken glass. I felt him pick up my hand.

"get up im taking you home" He stood up. I glanced up at him with red, puffy eyes. "please y/n?" he held out a hand.

"leave me alone" i jump up storming out of the bathroom.

donnie ran after me. i walk back to class so i can get my bag. i see april yelling at kendra. That punk ass slut noticed me and stopped yelling back.

"hey turtle lover" She teased me.

"get fucked stupid slut!" i yelled at her grabbing my bag.

"you'd like to by that turtle" she cackled.

"oh shut up kendra!" April started yelling again.

we were all arguing and had the whole class staring. Then donnie walked in.

"speak of the devil." kendra crossed her arms. "both of you, jackets now."

Donnie took his off and threw it at her. I threw mine on the floor. April sat back down putter her feet on the desk. Donnie held my hand i pulled away again.

"aw she rejected you" The slut spoke up laughing like a witch.

I stared at her then glanced at donnie. He made eye contact and I looked at my jacket on the floor. I felt rage, anger and lust. My hand balled up in a tight fist. I jumped toward Kendra punching her in the face.

She fell to the floor and her nose bleed. Her voice got louder telling me to stop as I got ontop of her and continued to hurt her. Her face was badly bruised and bleeding.

The rage inside of me from her kissing Donnie. The anger inside of me because she has done the worst things to me. And the lust for power, superiority and Donnie's love. They all fueled me.

I felt donnie and april try to pull us apart. All my strength went into hurting her. I hate her! Suddenly I was pulled off her. I feel back hitting my head on the floor. I look up and saw donnie with April. I looked at Kendra, her broken nose was being held with tissues.

I got up feeling dizzy from hitting my head. I held it while grabbing my back and storming out.

3 hours later
Donnie pov

I sat in my room looking down. Y/n was insane for a moment. I was a little scared and realised it was just anger and rage. But it felt more deeper than that.

"My son." My dad walked in. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah dad" I wiped a tear off my cheek.

"Alright people do not cry, what happened"

"Well at school Kendra kissed me, y/n stared to cry and she ran to the bathroom I followed and saw her with glass in her hand. She broke the mirror I said I will help her but she ran back to class to get her bag. And we got kicked out of the purple dragons and then y/n started punching Kendra and-" I was hyperventilating.

"My son. Take a minute and breathe"

I looked at him then back at the floor.

"I'll talk in the morning"

I took of my battle shell and got into my bed. Facing the wall and covering my self in my blanket. I heard my dad leave my room. I couldn't stop thinking about y/n.

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