(BV) leo x tattoo artist 2

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Y/n pov

Leo and I started dating. Well it's been 1 year. I wanted a baby. But I don't know if the timing is right. I am pregnant but shredder escaped the police again.

"Ok guys we gotta go!" Leo told us. "The foot clan are taking hostages in the subway again!"

I get up and felt dizzy. Leo noticed and walked over.

"Are you ok darling?" He put a hand on my chin. "What's wrong"

"It's nothing..." I rub my head. "Can donnie stay with me while you do that... please"

"Donnie?" Leo looked confused. "Why him not me?"

"You're the leader... you need to lead your brothers." I kiss his lips. "And Donnie knows a lot about medical care"

"Medical care? What's wrong are you sick?!"

"No Leo I'm.... Im fine"

Eventually he left and Donnie stayed with me.

"Tell him y/n"

"But don it's bad timing."

"Bad timing? Shredder will be captured once again! And Leo will be exited."

"How do you know?"

"When we were younger we would lay in bed and talk across the room to each other. He always said if he got a girlfriend and she was pregnant he would stay with her till the day he dies."

"But what if... she dies before him?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Women in my family never had it good with pregnancy. My mother died after she had me. Same with her mother before."

"I promise we can help. You will not die"

"How can you promise that?"

I start to cry. Donnie gave me a hug. my tears ran down his shoulder.

"I can promise y/n Leonardo would never let you die"

"I'm due in 1 month donnie." I look at myself. "I don't even look pregnant!" I hit myself in the head.

"Hey hey!" He pulled my hands away. "You wanted to not tell Leo. He hasn't caught on and not all pregnant people get fat."

"I'll tell him when he gets home"

1 hour later

Leo got home with cuts all over him. I ran over and patched him up. He kept telling me about how they almost had shredder.


"Yeah y/n?" He rested his head in my lap as we lay in the sofa.

"I'm pregnant"




"LEO!" I yell at him. He shut up. "It will be fine. I'm due in a month"

"You don't even look pregnant"

"I know"

"I love you y/n" he put his head in my lap again.

"I love you to Leonardo"

I kissed his lips and looked up at the tv again. Splinter came out with a smile.

"Congratulations y/n" he bowed and walked over to feel my stomach.

"Oh ok then" I giggled.

"Your baby is strong"

"Just like their father" I looked down at Leo. He smiled at me.

1 month later

I screamed as I was put on the table. I couldn't go to a hospital. So donnie sanitised an area in his lab. Raph and Mikey were tying to look while Leo held my hand. Splinter was keeping the 2 away while donnie cleaned his hands.

"Ok y/n sorry for the private part invasion but it's necessary."

"I don't care donnie I just what ut out!" I scream feeling it's moved.

"Holy shit y/n the head is already out come one keep pushing!" Donnie encouraged me.

I push and push.

"No I can't!" Tears fill my face. "I can't Leo I can't"

I start to sob. He kissed me again and looked into my eyes.

"Y/n please. Push"

I push harder and feel a release. I take deep breaths and look at donnie. He was smiling.

"It's a girl" he cut the umbilical cord then handed her to me. "You will need some stiches. She will need her vacations- don't worry I can get them- and she will need a bath."

"Leo. She looks just like you." I state. She is a turtle mutant too. "What should we name her?"

"Lavinia..." splinter looked at her. "Lavinia Fontana... a female artist during the renaissance."

"That's a beautiful name dad" Leo looked at her. "My little Lavinia" he kissed her head.

"Leo don't do that! She just came out of y/n she has blood on her and she needs to be cleaned now!"

"Oh shit" he started wiping his lips.

Everyone started laughing their heads off as he ran to the sink and washing his mouth out.

We were finally happy.

For now.

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