(MM) mikey x Python mutant

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Character design
You can choose any snake (I love ballpythons)
Your hair colour is the scales colour.
You are venomous
Also has legs and arms.
What you can imagine your body as

What you can imagine your body as

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Y/n Pov

"Beebs!" I yell down the hall.

"What's up my man?" He turned around.

"I ain't no man!" I giggle "I just saw other mutants!"

"Shit for real y/n?" He asked me.

"Yeah broski! Turtles! Four of them!"

"That's great we can all follow superfly s plan together!"

"But there's one bad thing." I stop him. "I saw them hanging out with a human"

"That's bad... how?" He asked me.

"It's bad because if they hang out with humans they won't want to follow flys plan!"

"Ohhhhh right"

"Anyways I'm a head to bed"

"Night bro" he gave me a hug.

"Night night beebs"

I collapsed into my bed. Turtles.... The one in orange looked cute- what we you think y/n the like humans!

The next day (afternoon)

"Find those turtles" superfly told me every second of the day.

"I know I will. Trust bro"

I sit on a building watching the turtles go into a school. I jump down and watch them through vents in the school.

"That makes you Leo Nardo!"

"Ha! NARDO!"

What the fuck is wrong with theses turtle's? Whatever I message fly and send him a pic of the turtles messing around.

Small fly

Follow them home.

Dude that's so creepy!

I don't care y/n

Whatever man.

I get off my phone. Follow them home? That's actually so weird. I put on my headphones and press play 'No diggity' starts playing. I love this song and I focus more when it's on.

The turtles leave after I watch them and some human talk about superfly. They will try to destory him. I can't have that. I slither through the vents.

The turtles leave the school. I followed as ordered and they went down a sewer. That's so gross man!

I sit up and watch them jump in. One of them stays the orange one. He's kinda cute. My tongue sticks out and I hissed. It wasn't on purpose it's a natural thing but of course he looked up.

"Hey!" He waved at me.

"Uh hi?" I wave back.

"I'm Michelangelo what's your name!"

"Uh... y/n"

He stopped I don't this he could tell I was a snake. Well not in a bad way I'm a mutant not a snitch.

"Can I come up?"

I though about it once he asked me. It would be so much easier to capture them!

"Of course!" I act happy.

He climbed up a ladder and sat next to me.

"Woah! There are more mutants!?"

"Supprise?" I chuckled. "I'm a (snake choice)"

"I'm a turtle!" He shook my hand. "That was probably obvious-"

"What do you man bro it wasn't obvious"

He laugh a bit. I didn't want to capture him. He is cute, funny and kind... I don't wanna hurt him.

"So..... got any plans?"

"Uh no not at the moment. But if superfly decides to give me another mission-" I pause. Fuck! Oh shit.


"Did I say superfly I ment super screens cinema!"

"Oh... I've never heard of that"

"Oh yeah I uh go their sometimes when they are closed to get food."

"So you steal?"

"Basically.. what do you expect I'm a mutant and a snake at that!"

"You know what you're so relatable and real man, my rizz monitor is saying you got mad rizz"

"I don't dude, I actually only rizz up my friends as a joke"

"Rizz me up"

"Oh uh" I pause whatever "are you fortnite? Cus I'd never play you" I did a roblox man facial expression.

"HAHAHHAHAHAH" he bursted out laughing.

"Alright you rizz me up now"

"Ok ok" he took a breath and stopped laughing. "Are you pizza? Cus I'd choose you as my last meal"



We laugh our head off.

"You know Mikey... you're pretty chill"

"You too y/n" he glanced at me. "Can I?"

He moved closer to my face. I nodded. Our lips touched and we fell into a heated kiss. I pulled away.

"Here's my number" he put it into my phone. "I have to go otherwise I'll get grounded again."

"Me too.. see you Mikey" I kissed his cheek and left.

I walk home with my hood on. Oh Mikey....Mikey you're so cute... and kind. I was daydreaming and dint even realise I was home. I took my hood off and saw superfly and beebs.

"Heyyyyy" I walk past them.

"Where are those turtles" fly out a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know I lost them"

"I call bullshit"

"Were you there? 'Superfly' you weren't so fuck off!" I push his hand off my shoulder and sit on my bed.

"Goodnight Mikey" I mumble and as I closed my eyes.

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