(BV) donnie x genius

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3rd person pov

Y/n sat watching the news. Like any other day they were on it. Apparently they were the smartest person in the world. After all they did come from Einsteins blood line. With an iq of 170.

They were a model, Scientist who graduated form MIT at 15, they live in the tallest building and doesn't need anyone. Completely independent.

Youngest billionaire in the world, they are 18. Already lives by them self. But they had a step sister. April O'Neil. She lost her father in a fire. He was y/n step dad but she didn't know him to well.

But they knew what he was doing. What sacks was doing. They remember every test. Every bit of paperwork. Splinter, Leonardo. Raphael, Michelangelo and donatello.

A surgery was put in place. Y/n wanted to but donatello. But they couldn't so they added their dna surgically. Generally the genetics would mix and cause about an iq of 160 to 190. Though all subjects were lost in the fire.

That's what everyone thinks but with y/ms photographic memory they know the truth. Aprils dad started the fire. But why? Y/n the smartest person in their generation couldn't figure it out.

Y/n pov

"I need a walk" I breathed out. "Why did you do that? Start the fire."

I talked to my self walking down the road to down town NY. It was more quiet there and no one would recognise me. I hope. I continue to walk and I get to the docks when I hear guns.

I look through the fence and see a shipping container fly! Though Generally speaking, an empty standard 20ft shipping container weighs 2,300kg / 5,071.5 lbs, a 40ft is 3,750kg / 8,268.8 lbs and a 40ft high cube is 3,900kg / 8,598 lbs.

Whoever was moving them would have to be superhuman! I climb the fence and get a better look. That's when I see it. The old sign I used to see at me sacks old work. It means family. It was the turtles I know it.

I run after them seeing them jump from rooftop to rooftop. Then I lost them. April! I think to myself. I pull out my phone and call her.

"Hey big brain" she teased

"Hey whatever anyways I believe I have found the old test subject."

"From project-"

"YES APRIL PROJECT RENAISSANCE!" I cut her off. "I apologise for cutting you off."

"I don't care this is amazing we have to tell sacks-"

"NO!" I yell into the phone.


"Your dad started the fire. Because he found out what sacks was going to do. Sacks was raised by shredder!"


"April you have to trust me. Come to my penthouse."

"No need to flex but I'll meet you tomorrow night ok?"

"Ok.. goodnight April"

"Goodnight Einstein"

"Oh shut up" I hang up and giggle.

I start to walk home. I put in my headphones and listen to violin. It made me feel calm.

The next night

"Hey!" April walked in with my security behind her. "Why do you have so much security?"

"I'm famous?"

"Whatever anyways, let's talk about the turtles."

"I don't know if splinter was there. I don't remember seeing him  and I have a photographic memory"

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