(MM) Prom with donnie

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3rd person pov

Y/n and Donnie were sitting in the Anime art club their school was running. He always talked to her about AOT or about technology and his creations. They made a robot together and named him Kevin. Y/n had feelings for  him and he had feelings for her but they didn't tell anyone not even their friends and Donnie thinks y/n is only using him so hes scared to ask her out. 

She was always scared that Donnie wouldn't want to be romantic or anything. So they haven't confessed yet, but next week is prom and they both dont have a date.

Y/n pov

I sat next to Donnie while we watched anime and we did some doodles in our books too. my hands were shaking i was stuck with the contemplation of asking Donatello out to prom. Ill ask him later over text.

"Hey y/n?" Donnie tapped my hand.


"i was wondering...." omg? is he gonna ask me out!? "do you wanna come over this afternoon?"

you could see my smile drop, i thought he was gonna ask me out.


"uh yeah sure don" i continue to draw.

At Donnie house(we are gonna pretend they dont live in the sewers anymore)

I walked into their house, they got moved out of the sewers and had been given a nice house because they saved the city. The boys had their own room and activity rooms, Raph had a Gym, Leo had an arcade room that he also let his brothers use, Mikey had a room with a small stage for acting and the other half of the room was for his skate boards. Donatello had a room for his science experiments and a part of the room had beanbags and a projector for his Anime.

Donnie walks into his room before me and i hear people whispering, what the- i walk into his room and see a giant sign and his brothers trying to hide behind it.

"will you go to prom with me?" i read the sign I looked over at Donnie, his face was red. "of course i will Donnie!"

I ran up and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. I hear his brothers giggling. Donatello was frozen in place. 


I walked into the hall with my purple dress on, i wanted us to be matching. I walk around and see Donnie and Mikey dancing. Mikey noticed me and pointed grabbing Donnie's attention. He stared at me in awe as i walked over.

"you look..." he looked me up and down. "beautiful"

"i know" i said with confidence as a joke. " you look really handsome Donnie."

"thank you y/n" he put and arm around my waist.

we stumbled out to the dance floor as 'can i kick it?' began to play. Leo and April joined while mikey and raph stood near the buffet. it was fun i loved it but something felt off. i brushed it off and enjoyed the night.

"hey wanna have an after party?" raph ran up with a cupcake in his mouth talking to leo.

"i guess i think dad will be ok with it' Leonardo replied trying not to gag from raphs poor manners.

"that'd be sick dudes!" mikey jumped on raphs back. "we can watch movies and order pizza and its be mad dude!"

"That's true Angelo, but why not enjoy the moment?"i continue to dance.

we were dancing and just having as much fun as we could. Then prom was over and we went back to their house. splinter ordered some pizza and we sat down and began to watch The karate Kid.

Everything is perfect. 

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