(BV) mikey x reader angst

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Y/n pov

I've known the turtles for about 4 years. Michelangelo was always trying to get my attention. It was annoying at times but I think he might have ADHD, I'm not a doctor so I can't say but he does give clear signs.

He is funny, cute and gives off a warm personality. He also gives a lot off reassurance. Maybe that's his anxiety? I don't know I'm think about it too much.

Mikey acts weird when I'm hanging with donnie or Raph. I don't talk to Leo that much because he found himself a lady friend and I don't want to interrupt them.

Michelangelo always gives Raph and Donnie dirty looks when I'm around them. He thinks I can't see but I do. When I'm with donnie we are doing experiments and when I'm with Raph we work out. Sometimes master splinter teaches me ways to become a ninja but Mikey is fine with that.

I think he's jealous. Maybe, anyways I'm laying on Donnie's bed right not while I wait for him to turn off the Bunsen burner.

"Do you have to do this right now? Aren't you tired?" I ask him.

"I am fine." He fixed his glasses.

"Donnie" I stand up and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine y/n trust me"

"Whatever you say." I say cross legged on his bed. "Anyways I got my report card back!"

"Cool.. what did you get"

"An A in science- thanks to you" I add on. We giggle a bit. "An A in Mathematics and Bs in everything else. Exept PE I got a C"

"How did you get a C?" Raph walked into his room.

"I mean I don't do sport- I'll work out with you but I don't do sport because of my teacher. I swear to god she is a dickhead"

"How come?"

"My mother wrote me a note with a legit reason why I can't do sport- I had period cramps that made me wanna rip my stomach out- anyways and she still made me do extra"

"What a bitch man" Raph shouted. "I'll knock her head in"

"Nah it's ok Raph" I gave him a hug. "Hey where Mikey?"

"I don't know. Probably eating pizza"

"Oh ok- get the amount of pizza you guys eat is not healthy!" I argue.

"Well blame that on Mikey. If you two date you should encourage him to eat a vegetable for once"

"I- what we aren't gonna date is never date a turtle!" I giggle.

"Wow dudette" I turn and see Mikey behind me.

"Mikey I-"

"Whatever man" he walked away

"Is that offensive?" I look at Raph and donnie for reassurance.

"I don't know y/n if it's not then I think you might've hurt him in a different way" Raphael crossed his arms.

"It's not my fault! I'm not going to date a turtle. That's literally against every human and animal right. It's gross to have an attachment to animals!"

"Well technically we are mutants." Leo walked over. "And yes it's your choice but I just saw Mikey hitting himself with nunchucks"

"Oh Mikey!" I run to his room worried.

"Leave me alone!" He screamed at me.


I yell at him, I pulled the nunchucks away from him.



As I screamed friend I saw emotion slip away from him. I just friend zoned him.

"Mikey I'm sorry I just-"

"I don't care" he backed into the corner of his room curled into a ball.

"Michelangelo, care to explain?" We look to see splinter. "Y/n please go home for now"

"Yes master" I stand up and walk out.

Did I just get fucking kicked out of a sewer? I mean it is their home but.. I was just trying to help.

"I can't do fucking anything right!" I scream and punch a wall.

I heard a crack. I broke my hand.

"Whatever man"

I continued to walk home with my throbbing hand. I couldn't even care. The only thing I care about are those mutants who took we under their arm.

I open my door and see my mother and father on the sofa.

"Hey guys.." I walk past with my head down.

"Stop" my father demands. "Where were you!"

"At my friends house" I stop and answerZ

"Who's your friend?"

"Uh... Splinter"


"His names splinter"

"Like the thing you get off un evenly cut wood?"

"Uh yeah!"

"Whatever go to bed and give me that phone"

"Whatever man" I hand him my phone.

He grabbed my hand and I flicked it off.

"What happened to you!"

"I punched a wall"

"You stupid child!"

He slapped me across the face. Tears ran down my face as I lie in bed. I hate myself I can't do anything right for anyone!

"I'm sorry Mikey" I mumble with my head buried in the pillow. "I'm so sorry"

"I know you are"

I jump up to see him sitting on my windowsill. I run and hug him.

"I'm so sorry!" I start to cry. "I didn't mean to hurt you I just-"

"I know I know" he hugged me back. "I understand I'm a turtle and a human and turtle can't mix."

"We can- I just I see you as my friend rather than someone I would date I still love you"

"I love you too" he hugged me tighter.

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