Chapter 24: Skipping Secrets

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"There is definitely something going on with Harry and your brother," Ginny sighed.

"That's not our business, but I suppose I agree with you." Luce finished her hair in a low ponytail, undone from her tight bun.

She grabbed her coat and headed back towards the door.

"Uh excuse you, Malfoy. Where are you even going?" Ginny sat up quickly.

"I'm going to visit my mums for a bit, I'll be back here later."

"What are you hiding?" Ginny had a look of uncertainty and suspicion on her face.

"Nothing Gin. I'll be back later." Luce headed out without another word.

She had no intentions of speaking to either of her mums. Luce was meeting Draco and Pansy near the Hogsmeade entrance. Since it was pass curfew, she had to avoid Peeves and Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris; she went through one of the few secret passages that were left in the Castle. Umbridge and Filch sealed all of them, but there were some, like this one, that not even they knew existed.

"Finally, what took so long?!" Pansy hissed as Luce hurried over to them.

"Be nice, Pans." Draco scolded her. "We have to go now or we'll be late."

Draco grabbed onto Luce. "Where's your locket?"

"Why-, oh." She remembered what her mums told them. Luce took her locket off and handed it to Draco. He clasped them around the bridge post. "Good call."

"Now, on three." Pansy whispered looking more to Draco than Luce.

"Wait, I thought we couldn't apparate from Hogwarts?!"

"Luce, Hogsmeade isn't technically on the Hogwarts grounds." Draco explained quietly.

"So this is a loophole?."

"Technically. Now, Draco, one, two, three."

Pansy and Draco had learned how to apparate years ago, but now they were of legal age to actually do so. They did. Within mere moments, the three of them were standing back on the front threshold, to the Malfoy Manor.

"I-, I've always ha-, hated that." Luce held her hand to her mouth and shut her eyes till the nausea stopped and the spinning world halted.

"Breathe, Lucinda. I've got you." Draco held Luce steady on her feet. Once she calmed, they quietly headed inside.

Throughout the school day, Minerva and Iris haven't seen Luce, Draco, nor Pansy. The three haven't shown up for the morning lessons or breakfast; this made them worried.

Minerva decided that she would write to Dumbledore, Remus, and Sirius, wondering if they would know where the children were. Iris, however, went to the Gryffindor Tower to see if Ginny anything.

"Ms. Weasley, may I have a short word with you?" Iris found her in the Common Room. Ginny excused herself from Hermione, Ron, and Harry and followed Iris into a quiet corner. "I'm sorry to bother you Ginny, but have you seen Luce and Draco?" She asked, looking down at her.

"I-I thought they were with you," Ginny replied, in almost a questioning voice. "Luce said that she was going to talk with you and Minerva, but that was las-, last night!"

After a quick realization, they hurried out of the room to find Minerva; they found her in their living quarters.

"Iris, let's use our necklaces." Minerva suggested.

Iris walked over, placing her locket on top of Minerva's. The necklaces started to glow and an image of a bridge appeared, the Hogsmeade entrance in the background.

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