Chapter 27: The Ministry Battle

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(TW: battle/fighting & mentions of death)

Breakfast ended ten minutes later, just as Luce came back. In the hall, someone grabbed Luce's arm; Ginny. "Hey, we need to go."

"Ow and what are you talking about?" Luce staggered backwards, and Matteo, appearing out of nowhere, caught her.

"Watch it, little red." Draco warned.

"We need to go after Harry, it's urgent." Luna Lovegood showed up behind Ginny, with Neville Longbottom next to her. "Oh, are you alright Ginny, it seems you're-."

"I'm fine Luna, just a competitive practice yesterday is all. Luce, let's go." Ginny demanded, pulling on Luce's arm.

"It's okay, we'll see you when you get back." Pansy smiled, acting like nothing that happened in the past twenty-four hours was a big deal at the moment. Yet, she had the right idea, seeing no one else could find out.

"Go Luce." Draco instructed and Matteo nodded.

"Fine." Luce, Ginny, Luna, and Neville hurried out of the Great Hall, dodging past the small groups of students heading in opposite directions.

"The bridge." Ginny huffed.

They met up with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George.

"Guys I appreciate everything, but I've got to do this on my own." Harry started and walked off.

"You'll need help, our help. Ron and I have been with you since the beginning-."

"I know and I appreciate it, Hermione, but this is already too risky." Harry stopped and cut her off.

"Yeah, but I mean, it's sort of exciting isn't it, breaking the rules?" Hermione countered again.

"Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?" Ron laughed.

"Wait, why are we going to the Ministry?" Luce caught up to Harry.

"Voldemort is after something he didn't have last time and it seems important enough for him to torture Sirius." Harry explained.

"Wait, is he okay?!" Luce grabbed Harry's arm.

"I don't know, that's why we have to get to the Ministry. In my vision, he was being tortured in the same room I've been dreaming about for months and I've finally remembered where I saw that door. It was the same one I saw at my hearing, at the beginning of the year."

"Harry, what if he wanted you to see that? We don't know if your visions are true." Hermione sounded genuinely concerned.

"We've been through this. All of my dreams and visions have come true in one way or another, I'm not taking any chances with this one."

"I agree with Harry, we can't lose Sirius." Luce crossed her arms and stepped to Harry's side.

"How are we even going to get there?" Neville spoke up, as they walked across the grounds and over to the woods.

"We fly of course!" Luna smiled.

"I hate flying." Hermione mumbled as they were led to a small clearing in the Forbidden Forest, by Luna and Harry

A few moments later, they took off on the thestrals, flying over London, and to the Ministry of Magic. Now that Harry finally had a solid plan in his head, he was going to share his thoughts.

"I think I have a plan." Harry shouted over the wind. "We have to enter through the visitors entrance, which I know the code for when I had to go there with Mr. Weasley. Then we have to find the room with all the prophecies because that's where he's hiding Padfoot." Harry looked over to Lucinda and smiled. "Then we'll get Sirius back!"

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