3. The Nebula

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Peter Pettigrew

August 1971.

Pettigrew Wales Residence

Peter Desmond Pettigrew. The second-born son of Miriam and Edwin Pettigrew. The younger brother of the family heir, William Pettigrew, born on 23rd December 1959.

Miriam gave birth to Peter when she was twenty-five years old, five years after William was born. He wasn't particularly planned, but Miriam and Edwin did want another child eventually, so when they found out about the news, they were thrilled. Not the same could be said for little William who was used to being the center of attention. Nonetheless, when Peter was born, the little boy changed his attitude completely. He loved the new edition to the family and could not wait for the day they could finally play together.

Peter loved the way William talked about him, like he was the most important thing in the world. When they went to Diagon Alley to buy Pete's wand, he could not believe that he got the same core and wood type as Will, unicorn hair and hawthorn. The only difference was in physical appearance and length. While Will's wand was twelve inches, Peter's was nine inches.

Currently Peter was swinging back and forth on a patio swing in Wales. In his hands were a charcoal pencil and a sketchbook. There was a little squirrel on top of the fence couple of meters across from him.

The drawing was almost finished. Peter was just trying to capture her fluffy tail, he loved the different variations of brownish-red on it. The only part that was left was the shading, but just as he was about to do that, he saw a small white owl flapping its wings towards the patio fence.

As the squirrel's attention snapped to it, she got scared and ran for her life, climbing up a nearby tree and leaving Peter to finish its tail with imagination. The owl looked sad by squirrel's fear, but then it turned to Peter.

They just looked at each other for a second, before the bird extended her leg to proudly show the envelope it was carrying. Peter frowned, he was confused because he had never seen this specific owl before. When he reached for the envelope and read that it was for him, everything became even more confusing. He expected that it was maybe a letter for one of his parents, but then he noticed the family crest on the seal. As soon as the realization hit him, Peter hurriedly opened the envelope.

Dear Peter,

I hope that you are having a wonderful summer, but I know that is quite impossible without my presence. I miss you as well, it's kind of boring here in Scotland without you and Marlene. What are you doing there without me? How do you keep yourself busy in the middle of nowhere?

Guess what? Yes! You guessed correctly! Me, James Potter, finally got his wand! The experience at Ollivander's was everything I imagined and more. Mr. Ollivander is so smart, but he is kind of weird if I'm being honest, not that I minded. It was very similar to your experience. I had the same feeling you described when you got your wand. It was magnificent! I can't wait for you to see the wand in person.

We also stopped by the Quality Quidditch Supplies store and they had a new broom prototype! It was the Nimbus 1500, but mom didn't let me and dad buy it. Don't worry, I went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour as well.

Did you meet my new friend? Isn't he beautiful, I named him Nix (Latin for snow). Give him a little pet on the head, he loves it. Mom and dad got him for me so that I will be able to write them during school year.

Is the deal still on? Are we going together to King's Cross on the 1st? Please don't be late like you always are.

Love you and can't wait to see you,

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