14. Getting Used To

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Saturday, 30th October 1971.


Remus woke up from his nap to a loud bang, "What the hell!?!"

The third full moon at Hogwarts was nearing rapidly fast and the symptoms had already started. Because today was Saturday and he had already finished all the homework he had, Remus decided to take a short nap, knowing that Peter will probably be painting in the common room and James and Sirius will probably be running around the castle, making chaos. He counted on the dorm being empty and quiet, but obviously his predictions weren't perfect.

"Oh, sorry mate!", the apologizing voice was certainly James'.

When he drew his curtains back, there was a head of black, messy hair above pile of books, presumably a pile the owner of that hair had just dropped.

Remus watched as the boy started to gather the books. This whole scene sparked curiosity inside him, he had never seen James with library books so far if it wasn't for some prank, "What are you even doing?"

The boy stopped what he was doing and turned to Remus, but the question was just answered with another question, "Well, you know how Sirius' birthday is on Wednesday?"

How could he not? James hasn't stopped talking about it, annoying the other three for nearly a month, "Yeah?"

"And you know how we have Potions on Wednesday?", James had that tone to the voice he would always use when there was some plan in action. Remus first heard it when they planned the prank on Snape back at the beginning of September, but since then he had become very familiar with it.

"I don't like where this is going.", Remus threw his head into his hands, still propped on the headboard.

James sat on the floor, leaning back to the trunk in front of his bed, "Well... Sirius loved our prank on Snape so I thought that we could surprise him by doing a prank in Potions!", he had a triumphant grin on.

Remus admired how the boy really had put a lot of thought into Sirius' birthday. Like mentioned, James had been harassing Peter and him about ideas since Sirius agreed to celebrate in Astronomy class. He admired James' dedication to make everything perfect. Still, some questions needed to be answered.

"Well... that doesn't explain all the books.", Remus quirked an eyebrow at the stack still on the floor.

James gave him a look like he was dumb for not reading his mind, "Yes, it does. On Wednesday we are brewing the Forgetfulness Potion according to Slughorn."

That didn't answer anything but Remus' interest changed to the fact that James somehow knew about their Potion class schedule, "You asked Slughorn that?"

"Yeah, I told him that I wanted to be prepared.", James just said it like it was obvious that a professor will give a random student class schedule.

With every answer that the boy gave him, Remus just had more questions, "And he believed you?"

James now stood up and went to join him on the bed, "Remus, dear.", he said in a joking voice, "Slughorn is a sucker for big names. I am a Potter. My dad, the famous and brilliant potioneer, invented the Sleekeazy Hair Potion. That means that I am worth something to his precious collection."

Again, nothing was answered, "I have no idea what you are talking about. What collection?", Remus thought that maybe his brain was starting to slow down near the full moon.

James gave him a disappointed look like he was supposed to know these random bits of information about their professors, "Slughorn loves to brag about the students he teaches. That's like his thing, he has a whole club for that, but you can only get invited if you are a third year or older."

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