53. A River

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Sirius Black

Tuesday, 20th March 1973.


"What are you three doing here at this hour!", Madam Pomfrey whisper-yelled at Sirius, James and Peter.

It was the morning after the full moon. This was the first full moon after Sirius, James and Peter confessed to Remus that they knew his secret, so the most logical thing the three worried friends who couldn't sleep came up with was to go to the Hospital Wing and wait for Remus to return from who knows where.

Of course, they found Madam Pomfrey at the Hospital Wing. She looked tired and, as they walked in, Sirius saw her packing some potions into her bag.

"We thought that you were quite used to us bringing breakfast to Remus by now, Madam Pomfrey.", James said to her with a sly smile which earned all of them an annoyed look from the Healer.

"Yes, I am, but it's five in the morning!", she said to them as she carefully poured some potion from a big bottle into a small phial.

To Sirius, it looked like Madam Pomfrey was trying to hide her nervousness with this angry attitude. He opened his mouth to say something, but she cut him off with her threatening index finger in the air, "Not a word, Mr. Black. I have some important business to attend to.", now she pointed that finger at him, "You, Mr. Potter and Mr. Pettigrew better go back to your dormitory before I alert professor McGonagall that three of her students broke curfew."

Sirius furrowed his eyebrows. He was ninety-nine percent sure what this important business was. Madam Pomfrey finished with transferring her potions and turned away from the three Marauders, but she kept on speaking, "I now have to leave and I better not see you here when I return or—"

"We know, Madam Pomfrey.", Sirius said finally. He just wanted to spare all of them some time. If he didn't say that, Madam Pomfrey would have left to pick up Remus. He, James and Peter, of course, wouldn't go back to the dorm so, when Madam Pomfrey returned, she would have to go and get professor McGonagall instead of helping Remus. Then their Head of House would come and the Marauders would confess the same thing. It was just better to get everything over with sooner than later.

Madam Pomfrey stopped in her tracks and, to Sirius, it looked like that reaction was from shock. Then she turned to them, "I don't know what you think you know, Mr. Black, but—"

"Come on, Madam Pomfrey.", James started as he got comfortable on one of the beds, "We live with Remus. Of course we know.", he said as if he didn't find out only a few weeks ago with unintentional help from Sirius.

The Healer looked stunned, but she recovered quite quickly, "Listen, this isn't some game.", she said seriously to all of them, "This is Remus' life and if anyone finds out—"

"Nobody will find out.", Sirius reassured her, "We already talked with Remus and we know what is at stake.", there was such determination behind Sirius' words that it even surprised him.

The day when they confessed to Remus and after he finally accepted that they still liked him, Remus explained everything to them. How he wasn't even supposed to be at Hogwarts since he was a werewolf and how Dumbledore insisted on no one knowing anything. Apparently, if anyone finds out about Remus' condition, he could be expelled and his future could be ruined since the fact that he is a werewolf would become known.

"We just want to be there for him, Madam Pomfrey.", , "Please don't report us, we'll be good."

Sirius and James nodded immediately while keeping determent expressions. Sirius saw something change in Madam Pomfrey's attitude. Like some shield had been broken. The annoyance and concern seemed to be replaced with some kind of fondness, "Okay.", she said finally, "But don't touch anything.", and there was the Pomfrey they were used to.

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