16. Puzzle Pieces

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Sirius Black

Thursday, 4th November 1971.


"Woah...", all four boys said breathlessly.

Behind the mirror was a massive passageway, big enough to hold at least thirty people. The walls were old and the whole space smelled damped, but the boys didn't mind the smell one bit. They really found one of Hogwarts castle's secret passageways!

As soon as the four Marauders entered it, the mirror closed behind them. They started walking with nothing but their wands lighting the way. The further they strode into the passage, the narrower it got.

After about half an hour Peter started to complain about his legs hurting from all the walking.

"You are really thinking about your legs when we are in one of the secret passageways? Peter, dear, you need to get your priorities straight.", Sirius joked as he ruffled the smaller boy's hair.

By the time they were met with a wall, the passageway was big enough only for the four of them to stand next to each other.

"Can you hear that?", Remus asked as they came to a halt.

James started to look around them, "Yeah... it sounds something like water running."

As they looked up, they were met with a trapdoor. The three boys immediately looked at Remus expectedly, given the fact that he was the tallest.


Remus reached a hand to the trapdoor and pulled on a metal bar that resembled a handle. It was a bit rusty and the door gave a slight squeak, but, as soon as they popped open, everyone was shocked once more. Sirius' mouth fell open just at the sight, "Is that..."

"I think it is...", James had the same dreamy tone to his voice.

Peter squeezed between the two, "James, move!", he looked up as well, "Oh... well... wasn't expecting that..."

"Is that literally water?", Remus sounded just as shocked as the rest of them.

It really was. Behind the trapdoor, flowing peacefully, was literal water. There must have been some kind of spell put on the door because the water didn't drench the whole passage, it just stayed floating above their heads.

They could even hear it flowing, like a quiet song filling in the silence below it. Remus was the first to break the dreamy state the Marauders found themselves in, "Should we try and go through it?"

He didn't have to ask twice, because there was Sirius, already pulling his shoes off.

Remus looked at him funny, "There is a drying charm you know? We did it in last Charms class?"

"Oh... must have not paid attention to that one.", Sirius said embarrassed as he put the shoes back on and prepared to climb through the trapdoor.

He gestured to James and Remus to come closer because Peter was the smallest, "Give me a hand."

The boys lifted him up and Sirius took a big breath before diving into the water. Fortunately, he didn't have to hold it long due to the fact that the water wasn't even 2 feet deep.

When he emerged from underneath it, the beautiful realization hit him. He was in Hogsmeade, more specifically in the fountain in Hogsmeade. The streets were, thankfully, empty due to it being probably two in the morning by now, but before he could take in the whole scene, James emerged from the trapdoor, followed closely by Peter.

Both boys were in awe before Sirius nudged James, signaling to him to help with pulling Remus up as well. They did just that and in no time, the four Marauders were standing in the fountain in Hogsmeade together.

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