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Lunch wasn't bad. I mean, yes Shadow was a constant pain and the guys kept eyeing me as if I was committing a crime by standing up for myself against him but it wasn't bad. I can handle my own and I wont be intimidated by a mere man that I just met. Ke tla mo dira dizzy oho.

Incoming call : Mother

I answer with immediate effect.

Me : Finally, they remember I exist.

Mom : Mxm, is your phone broken?

Me : No, why?

Mom : So why didn't you call if you missed us. Skatlo re phaphela wena.

Me : Mara mama, you're the parent. You're supposed to check up on me.

T and the boys eye me and T just smiles shaking her head.

Mom : Wena gale ke bona hore wa gafa waitsi. Mara how are you my hlanyozi?

Me : Mama bathing! But it's fine I understand, you just missed me. I'm fine shame waitsi. Outside of my parents and brother abandoning me, I'm okay.

Mom : Weeeh drama e kana kganti keng ka lona bana ba Cape?

Me : Ha.a tlhe mama! O kae papa and how are you guys ?

Mom : Re shapo ngwanaka, my man is doing man stuff when are you getting your own?

The relationship that my parents have is the best honestly. They're so inlove and sometimes it makes me sick but I'm so inspired by their love. They're like best friends and teenagers in love. They argue and make up all the time but not the bad arguing. It's like the banter mixed with stubbornness kind of arguing.

Me : Mama can you give my dad the phone tuu.

Dad ( in the background) : Is that my baby?

Mom : No.

Dad ( background ) : Motho waka, can I please speak to my baby.

Me : Mama! Give my daddy the phone! I heard enough of your voice tlhe.

White chuckles and T comes to sit next to me probably to speak to the rents. T has a really good relationship with my family and vise versa.

T : Mommy!

Mom : Hello my second rat! How are you my baby?

Me ( laughing ) : Hehe ohhh today we are rats?

T : Mxm mommy don't mind this one. I'm good how are you and daddy?

Mom : We're good, just missing you little rats.

Me : Send money and flight tickets.

So my parents ne... Those ones don't even live in South Africa right now. They moved to Ethiopia last year and have not even considered coming back. Apparently life is better that side but they are thinking of moving to an island, maybe Jamaica. I really don't understand those two. They come visit this side quite often and they still have their property here. They just rent it out.

Dad : My babies, I'll send you guys tickets very very soon. Right now I'm still enjoying my wife.

Me : Kodwa daddy, you've been enjoying her moes.

Dad : I know my baby but soon, I promise okay ?

Me : Yho fine. Clearly you don't miss me enough.

T : Haike mntana ka daddy.

I give her a stink eye and she laughs taking the phone to go gossip with mother. They do that all the time. I have that kind of relationship with her grandfather.

Arrangement : with the gang leaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora