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This cannot be my ending. Imagine my parents finding out I died because I was busy with a taken man who decided to go ape shit on me for no reason at all. I don't even know what I'm begging and apologising for but because I want my life spared.

"Shadow man, you know I'd never do you like that. Stop this shit. You're scaring her" Gumbi tries to reason and I still don't understand what's going on. What did Gumbi do and why am I also being killed for it.

"Damien, please." I continue to plead, eyes all watery and chest tight.

I noticed Gumbi giving me a weird look when I called Shadow by his real name and also when Shadow had a problem with me calling him Shadow. I need to ask him about that later on – if there is a later on.

"Hey beautiful people! Where's my ba- woahhh Shadow man, what the fuck are you doing, put that shit down." Says White coming from the back and luckily he was quick enough in his reflexes to grab the gun away from Shadow while at it.

"What's going on here?" asks a shocked White as he comes close to me and engulfing me into a big hug.

I immediately melt into his arms as a wave of both relief and realisation of what could have been the last moments of my life hit. It's not so much the gun that's scaring me, this is not my first rodeo, it's the look he had on his face that had me shaking.

He looked so cold and deadly. I just felt so cold under his gaze but somehow I still feel safe even when he seems like the one going to cause harm to me. That scared me. How can a man who seems so evil, cold and heartless be the very man that I want to hold me in his arms and have my heart.

I've accepted that I'm actually falling for him. I just won't let it be known. We had an arrangement. An arrangement that I agreed to. And also, I have my own issues with relationships. I'm actually done with this love thing and I thought I was done for good but every now and again I look into his eyes and I feel like taking one last risk.

We make eye contact and for a moment it feels like it's just us in the room. Then he just – leaves. Yep, he just turns away and leaves.

And then the most unexpected thing happens, once again. Ralph walks right into the house, hand in hand with a women I once regarded as not just my best friend but my sister too. She looks like a mess. Oh my baby bakithi. Akere she wants to be a bitch, now look at her all depressed and missing me.

I know she looks like that because of what's been happening between us. It's not the first time we've been apart because she decided to act weird but it's just the first time that it's been this bad. She once did this shit and I didn't speak to her for a week because she messed up.

When I saw her and we finally spoke she looked a little like this. Actually she looked a little better than this but still bad. Ugh shame my baby.

"What happened? Why are you crying? Why are you shaking? Who fucken did this?" she starts going manic as soon as her eyes land on me.

It's only then I remember the state I'm in. I'm actually in no better condition. And that's actually so funny I kind of end up chuckling a little to which White shares a look of concern, probably thinking I'm losing my mind.

She turns to me, fortunately after I finish my chuckling.

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking hiding it from you. Everything just happened so fast and I got scared and didn't want you to leave and then be mad. I thought they'd hurt you and-" she starts going on a rant but Ralph stops her

"Baby calm down, lets go. You'll come back and talk to her when you've calmed down"

I chuckle as a response to that.

"NO, I'm so sick and tired of this shit! That's my best friend. My fucken sister Ralph! I won't lose her because of y'all fucked up secrets and dirty life! I'm so fucken tired ! I miss my fucken sister and I just want her back" she continues shouting with tears streaming down her face and I start getting worried because I can see her anxiety attack kicking in.
She starts hyperventilating and I go over to her.

"Calm down, take it easy. Just breathe with me... In and out, come on" I try to sooth her and fortunately it works like always.

"I'm so sorry. I'm such a bitch. I love you okay? It's just, I thought I was doing what's best for you, for us. They're gangsters and I thought they might hurt you because I know how you are and I didn't want you to react in a way that would get you hurt. And also, I love him okay? I don't want him to go to jail. I just-" she continues to rant and sobbing in between.

I freeze. I know I didn't hear what I think I heard. I drop my hands to my sides and back away looking around the room for someone to tell me she's joking.

"What? Gumbi?" I look at him and he just lowers his head.

I can't believe this

Arrangement : with the gang leaderWhere stories live. Discover now