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It's the 22nd of December and White finally decided to wake up! I've never been happier. Everyone has been weird since White was admitted or rather since the day following that day. At first I thought they were merely going through the emotions of White being in a coma but no, this feels bigger than that.

T has been acting strange as well and that has caused a rift in our friendship. We eventually started church but soon after went to different churches. I wanted to tell her about the church I found and how amazing it was etc but she always ignores me or avoids being in the same space as me. I tried to confront her about it but she said I was overeating and that nothing was wrong. So I just dropped it and let out friendship drop along with.

Gumbi still checks up on me and for the most part he has been the same since we weren't like buddy buddy but more sibling-like. He visits for a little then leaves. He'll bring me stuff and sometimes we'll go out together to do stuff but nothing crazy. He avoids certain questions such as me asking about Shadow since he has been MIA, questions about T and the others, as well as questions regarding how White ended up in hospital in the first place.

I just chose to focus on me instead of dwelling on things I can't control, you know? So it's been me and online teaching. I spend a lot of time at my parents place but this week I only called to check up on them. My brother moved in with his girlfriend and he seems pretty happy.

I'm quite anxious about seeing White today. I've been visiting him 3 times a week and I always have tea for him when I get there. I hope people are lying about how coma patients can actually hear their surroundings because at this point that man knows too much !
My dad gave me his merc to drive around with.

I left my bike back home again. It's not that practical. I drive to the hospital and head to White's room. He obviously has a private room and surprisingly a body guard outside his room too. It's so strange. You'd swear he was someone big. I never asked about it because I just chose peace and that meant minding my business and leaving other people alone since I clearly have no business being in their lives.

One surprising thing about this whole ordeal was that I've been hanging out with the girlies in the squad along with Chloe. T is sometimes there and we're pretty cordial with each other in that instance. They aren't so bad. As for Candice yena? Hhay she's okay and we just tolerate each other now. I don't think we could ever be cool since I messed with her alleged man.

Getting to the room I note that everyone but Shadow is there. The last I heard of that bari was him sending me a pathetic 'I miss you and I'll see you soon' text followed by 50k then another 50k later that week. I just ignored it and spent the money. I wont send it back, money is nice ha! And I trust that it didn't come from him selling his soul or something.

"Hey" I greet everyone. And I hear greetings back.

The doctor comes right after me and tells us we can go in. Gumbi tells me that White has been up since yesterday and they've seen him already and have signed his release forms. According to the doctor, he is as good as ready to leave the hospital. I was nervous to go in with everyone. I saw T stealing a glance at me and I chose to ignore it.

"Ah finally! You guys remembered I exist" White beams. He looks so good! Not in an inappropriate way but in the – he is healthy and glowing- way. He just looks alive and happy to be alive if you know what I mean.

"He rises from the dead! You even started looking the part" I remark playfully with a smirk on my face and he laughs.

"I'd make a hot ghost! jerri kyk vir my Lerato" I laugh and go hug him and he hugs me back. I can smell cologne on him so I know my boy is READY ready.

"Jy's nie reg in die kop nie" I clap back and he gasps dramatically.

"Girl don't forget you've been spilling tea for a cute minute now so watch that mouth with me" he pouts his lips and rolls his eyes like the baddie he is. Omg I cant believe he actually heard it all and now he's going to make my life hell. Haha , I love this idiot so much man! Couldn't ask for a better male partner in crime and journal.

"Good to have you back man!" said Ralph and everyone pitches in with their own little comments and we just celebrate having him back and healthy.

Someone suggests that we go out tonight in celebration but White says he just wants to sleep and get some rest first but tomorrow he is down for whatever. We all agree in understand and agree to pitching tomorrow at a club of his choice.

I find myself constantly looking at the door, hoping that he would walk in any moment from now. He doesn't. Yes, I really miss Shadow. It's like since we had our agreement he just decided to ghost me. I felt so dirty and easy that I agreed to the agreement because of the way he was acting now.

I send a text to his number that he sent me a text with telling him about White. We help White with his things. When we get to the parking he sees me heading toward my merc and he questions me about it and tells Gumbi that he wants to leave with me now. I laugh and just let him be.

My partner in crime is backkkk babyyyy!!!! My little Ornial Wayd. Haha, I don't think I'll let him live past that name now. It's a beautiful name though. Just never imagined him as an Ornial. Point issssss, my baby is back!!

Arrangement : with the gang leaderWhere stories live. Discover now