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I think it's quite obvious where I spent my night. It wasn't so bad but definitely cannot wait to go back home. It's only Wednesday today and I'm honestly so over this week. I can at least appreciate that the workers will be done with their renovations and cleaning today. So, all that will be left is everything else. 

Everything else being the rest of the cleaning, attire and catering. I don't know if there's things I'm missing but for now that's all. I didn't even feel like making food. I just had my tea and called it a morning. I just want to be with koko and T right now. 

Gumbi wakes up before everyone else and he can tell I'm not in a good mood since I've lived with him for a bit so he learnt to read into my emotions for the most part. 

"Kwenzekeni mama?" he asks, genuinely concerned from the sound of his voice and his face. 

"I don't want to talk about it. It's whatever" I say. 

"Lerato, like I told you before, you're my sister. I don't care if you feel like you've cut me off because I'm here telling you that I'm not going anywhere nor was I planning on staying gone forever. I just needed some time to cool off from your attitude."

I just look at him. My expression is cold and I can tell from the way he keeps squirming around uncomfortably under my gaze. 

"What did he do?" he asks, I guess referring to that demon he calls a friend. 

I scoff, bitterly. 

"What doesn't he do" I roll my eyes. 

"Talk to me" he pleads. 

"I was actually just playing myself to be honest. I can't even blame him. I knew where I stood from day one. So I was just stupid to ever think that it could have been anything but what it actually was." I say and he sighs, rubbing his face. 

"You know my boy doesn't give a shit about that Ade girl. Is it not obvious enough to you that he's all about you?" he says and I chuckle. 

"Didn't look like it when they were practically fucking in front of me but I guess you'd know better since you're the best friend right?" I say with a sarcastic smile. 

His face goes into confusion.

"Hewu, sowuthini ke manje? Hhayi uMfo" he says, in disbelief. 

"Why's that so hard to believe like he actually wouldn't do that for real. He's probably done that before with you in the room with other girls" I say.

"That's not the same and you know it." he says and I flip out. 

"Stop talking shit! I'm so sick of these games and y'all bullshitting me! I don't need your fucken lies and sympathy. I don't give a shit anymore okay so can y'all get ready so we can fucken leave. FUCCKKK!!" I say, throwing a glass across the room . 

I leave the house with a shocked Gumbi frozen in his place. 

I go out into the backyard and sit under the tree. I play music on my phone and try to calm down. I cry. I can try to act as tough as I want but at the end of the day that demon really hurt me.

I can hear Gumbi and Shadow arguing inside and he, mr demon, steps outside. He's seething mad and is starking towards me with a murderous look on his face. I don't even bother to wipe my tears. I really just don't give a shit. 

"Why the hell are you lying Gumbi?!" he raises his voice at me. 

I just stare at him. The audacity. 

"Lerato I'm fucken talking to you. You know, it's unlike you to stoop this fucken low. I thought I knew you but clearly everything about you is just a fucken lie. You digust me" he spits.

Arrangement : with the gang leaderWhere stories live. Discover now