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It's the next day and I woke up at 6 today to get ready for the day. After cleaning, I take a bath and then go cook before heading to the gym. I love gyming, it brings me so much peace. Plus I think everyone should take their health seriously and gyming is part of me taking care of my health since my lifestyle isn't naturally that active.

I bike from point A to B so getting to the gym is a swift journey. I remember that Ralph is going to fetch T's car from mine today and I'm thankful that I cleaned today. I get on with my day. After gyming I go run some errands. I need to get some fruits and veggies as well as some toiletries before going to the library.

When I get to the library I'm greeted by the usual librarian and some other familiar faces. I head on striaght to my section and do some of my tasks and just studying. I'm always so thankful for picking the course I did because I genuinely do enjoy the degree I'm doing.

I get a call from T while studying

"Mosadi, Ralph just called to tell me he got the car. Thank you for last night yho I didn't realise how tired I was until that nap hey" she says

"Girl, you deserve the rest. You've been quite the busy bee lately" I say.

"Ya ne, but I'll rest after gogo's party. Have you started packing? Nna I don't understand why gogo had to move to Mpumalanga mara weisti" she says and I can hear shuffling.

"Mara you know gogo aker. She likes and wants what she wants." I say with a slight chuckle.

"Aye you're not wrong about that but anyway I'm so excited for next week hle. We're leaving in two days by the way. I was thinking that it would be better if we leave on Saturday so we can be there for a Sunday breather before we start work on Monday" she says.

"Did you finally make up your mind about the day of the party? Saturday or Sunday?" I ask.

"Hhay chommie aker the invitations have already been sent out for Saturday. Besides, Sunday people might wanna go to church and stuff wabo so I don't want to inconvenience people." she says and I nod forgetting she can't see me.

I hear 'shhhh' from somewhere near and I remember I'm still in the library. I pack my stuff while talking to T and order my uber home.

"She's going to be so happy. She truly deserves the best" I say leaving the library to wait outside.

"She really will be. I'm excited for her even though I know the work waiting for us is insane."

"Kunjalo man but we'll get through this" I say and see my uber.

I greet the uber driver and get back to T.

"Thank you so much for not making a big deal out of the guys being there. I know this isn't ideal for you-"

"No, it's okay. I can't run and hide from my issues forever" I say cutting her off.

We talk some more before saying out goodbyes.

When I get home I take a bath and call it a day since it was already quite late when I finished eating dinner. Around nine perhaps.

"Chommie if we're late I swear I'll murder you with my bare hands" T says helping me put my bags in her car.

"To be fair, I was stuck in traffic and you didn't tell me that you would need those dishes so it's also your fault for dilo tsa last min" I defend myself.

It's D-day today - the day we head to Mpumalanga. T called me ka di last minute to tell me that she would need my big dishes for the catering ladies and expected me to just have them laying around ready for use when I barely ever use those things. I don't think anyone has ever used them actually. I stumbled upon them one time when I was spring cleaning this place.

Arrangement : with the gang leaderWhere stories live. Discover now