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"Mara koko I told you that Lele and I would be sleeping here and our friends ko malume" T says.

I knew something like this would happen. There was no way that this week would really go completely as planned. It seemed too good to be true. I'm too tired to argue and just feel so defeated.

"Le malume o wa gago is nowhere to be seen. Word on the streets is that he left le that slay queen girlfriend ya gae." says koko.

Ka tle ka fella matla.

"Yho" T throws her hands up in the air in surrender.

Whites phone rings and he looks up at Ralph and tells him it's Shadow. They look to me, and I just face down.

"Sho" White answers the phone, "Yeah we're here but with no accommodation at the moment. Change of plans on that end" he says and listens.

Koko has already left the room since one of the aunties took her after greetings and introductions.

"Nah man, the girls too... Yes, them too... No... Okay, sho" says White before ending the call.

He looks up to us and rubs the back of his head.

"Okay so Shadow says that he has a place this side but it's a two room. However, there's also a guesthouse that belongs to some guy he knows that he can organise for us but thats also a two-bedroom place so we would have to share beds." he says.

"Gumbi said that him, Shadow and their girl will be at Shadows place then everyone else can decide who else goes with them then the rest in the guest house. There's a half bed at Shadows place or blow out bed? I don't know but something along those lines." he says and avoids eye contact with me.

I already know what's up. It wouldn't be fair to anyone else if one of the couples have to seperate because of me. This is why I hated this whole couples set up but now my chat is so I'm really the sore thumb out? I'll be sleeping on some blow-up bed? I can't even book into a hotel because that would look wrong or whatever. Yho.

"I'll go with them it's fine." I say and they all look at me as if they pity me. T looks so guilty, and White is still avoiding eye contact.

"You owe me, big time" I whisper to T, and she mouths an 'Im sorry' and I just roll my eyes.

"Cool, lemme just let-" he says but gets cut off by the sound of his phone ringing again.

"Sho... Yeah man, we've spoken about it already... Yeah, start this side so you can pick her up... You'll see...hhay man alles reg, kom nou, sho" he hangs up in a rush.

"They're almost here, like five minutes give or take" he says, and we nod.

We go out to meet the rest the rest of the family here. So apparently gogo told the aunts and uncles and grannies here that she'll be having a party this weekend, and some decided to just come for the whole week to help with the preps and just keep koko company because they missed her or something along those lines.

Knowing koko she probably called some to sleep over, and they may be invited their own. Whenever we come here there's usually some family members here too because in koko's mind we make a lot of money since we always spoil her and her people when we're here.

That's one thing that T and I have made sure of - to spoil our family any chance we get. Family means everything to us. her family is mine and mine hers. Our families even know each other, and we sometimes spend Christmas and New Year all together.

We expected a family member or two but for five to be sleeping over is a little extra. The rest are leaving tomorrow morning or evening, so they plan on partying throughout the night. The grannies will be the ones sleeping.

Arrangement : with the gang leaderWhere stories live. Discover now