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"So, what will I do with you?" I ask, towering over her blood-covered body. 

"Please, I'll leave him alone. I'll even relocate" She coughs up more blood through her pathetic little speech. 

I smirk, "Look how the mighty have fallen. To think it was merely a week ago when you thought you had it all figured out huh? Now, you're a slap away from death." 

"I hope you're the first and last of his hoes I will be housing," I say under my breath before pulling the trigger. 

I watch as her now lifeless body lay there - in a pool of her blood. I can't exactly keep her hostage forever. Besides, Damien is getting suspicious of my disappearances. It's only a matter of time until his people are able to locate where I disappear off to. 

I trust my spot though. I was trained well. Not just by the Godfather but by life after and during his period too. It was either I grow a backbone and my own tactics or I succumb to my inevitable demise in his hands. I made my choice and now I'm here. 

On my way back to the house I think back to the letter from a couple of days ago. I still have not put my finger on who it is. There's a high possibility that it could be Candice but I just feel like I'm missing something. 

My phone rings and I pick it up. 

"Where are you?" Damien immediately questions. 

"Hello to you too baby," I say rolling my eyes. 

He chuckles but I can hear that it's a sarcastic laugh. I know he's pissed off wherever he is. I can't blame him. I've been disappearing a lot lately and that has been putting a strain into our trust. We have been arguing a lot about it and T has even gone as far as blocking me. They think I'm being inconsiderate and they think that I could be conspiring against them since I never tell them where I am. 

"Don't fuck with me Lerato" he spits and my heart skips a beat. 

I just hung up on him and continued driving. He kept calling me back but I put my phone on Do Not Disturb. I drove over to Nandos and got him his favorites from there then got some ice cream from McD for myself. I don't like fighting with him and I know this was the last day of me going to my hiding since the Ade chapter is finally closed so I'll be able to give more attention to my people now. 

When I got to the driveway I saw Gumbo and White's car parked out. I gathered my things and went inside. 

"Hey, family!" I say entering the house and White laughs, hugging me. 

Thankfully, I bought a lot of Nandos just in case Gumbi was here since he and Nelly come over so much. White wastes no time and digs into the food while Gumbi and Damien merely glare at me. I move around uncomfortably. 

"Asembe" Gumbi says to White. White moans in protest but with one look from Gumbi he sees that Gumbi isn't playing games today so he takes a plate with his food and a 2L coke from the fridge and they leave. 

Damien gets up, his eyes not leaving mine. I try to keep my composure but I won't lie, I feel a little unsafe right now. I feel like a goat left to die in a lions den or something. A part of me feels like they're being dramatic kodwa I get where they are coming from. 

"Tell me, how would you feel if I started disappearing as you do and give you shit excuses all the time?" he asks but it's more of a rhetorical question. 

I kept my mouth shut and stepped backward with every step he took toward me. 

"Tell me Lerato, are you cheating on me? Working with my enemies perhaps? Or better yet, making a deal with your little ghost ex?" he asks through gritted teeth, now mere inches away from me. 

Arrangement : with the gang leaderWhere stories live. Discover now