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"Who's asking?" 

We're sitting across the 'guy' that gave us Godfathers location last time and - it's not a guy. It's a woman. Don't get me wrong women make for good members and we have those, including Candice, hence why leaving her is a bit of problem. That's a story for another day though. 

"Friends" I say cautiously, I can't give away too much. 

She looks to me then to her people, as if questioning my presence here. 

I look back and Gumbi gives me a signaling eye at one of the guards. I look and it's the guard I already took note of when he sent me in. He was too inquisitive about why I wanted to see Dun. Dun being the women I'm trying to get to help us. 

The guard seems to be communicating with Duns people so I know that he is part of their gang. 

"What's the price?" I ask, not trying to waste any more of my time. 

It's either they have information, can get it for me or they're just stalling and don't know shit. 

"Wait here." She says before disappearing. 

Gumbi and White come closer to me and Gumbi gives me a questioning look. 

"Andaz nam" I say before White even asks. He nods and they move back to stand by the door. 

Dun comes back just as I was about to leave. 

"I don't know where she is. None of my people know either." she says. 

I nod, " What's your relation to her? Why just give me that information" 

"She's cool people, practically family so take my word for it. If I knew something I would tell you. If there's anyway else I could help shout." she says. 

I nod before getting up. She gets up and she extends her hand with her palms facing up as a show of respect. 

I shake her hand and nod at her people and they nod back. She's clean. I may not know how long she's been in the game and maybe she's just really good at making herself look clean but something about that just gave off clean. People of this territory never shake hands with other gangs unless they are trying to show respect to or show aliance. That wasn't just a handshake to them, that meant 'we're together'. 

"Shit, so we're back to square one." White says and I nod. 

This whole thing is strange man. She can't just disappear. This has Godfather written all over it. It has to be her ex. As a man who works in the shadows myself, I must say I'm quite impressed. 

I drive to Gumbi's house to go drop them off. 

"Mfo, uzong' thinta ke" Gumbi says and we salut.

White is busy stealing my liquor there in the back but I'm already used to it so I always just by extra for him

"Danko, iza bonana ke mfo" White says and I drive off. 

I don't go to the house that Lerato and I stay at. I go back to one of the other places where I used to live before I made up some excuse to move in with Lerato.

"Fucking hell" I think to myself when I see Candice's car in my driveway. 

I've been back here since a couple of days after Lerato went missing. It's also closer to the warehouse and White's place. Gumbi lives a little closer to my place with Lerato. 

"Baby!" she shouts as soon as she sees me step out of my car and she runs to me then jumps into my arms. 

She kisses me while wrapping her arms around my neck. 

Arrangement : with the gang leaderWhere stories live. Discover now