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Imogen Halstead (age 22)
Word count: 2639
Tw: hospitals, violence, gore.

Imogen's POV

         Working in the same district as my older brother is crazy, I mean... sure it's cool, but I rarely see him do his work.  I would love for nothing more than to just drop into one of their cases and watch him work.  After all, he is the reason I inspired to become a police officer.  Maybe one day I'll get to join the intelligence unit too...

"Halstead" Platt announces as I walk up the steps.  I look up, sighing heavily, "what's gotten into your brother this morning?" She stands with her hands on her hips.  I sigh, "believe it or not he lost a bet with Ruzek, something about jay buying all rounds at mollys for a month" I scoff a laugh.  Platt raises an eyebrow, "hmm, might have to take advantage of that" she shrugs, "anyways, Kemps waiting for you in the locker room" she changes subject.  I smile, tapping the desk with a curt nod before retreating to the locker room.

         Dylan Kemp, my patrol partner.  He's alright... I guess. He does what he wants, let's say.  I admire his love for the job, but he's a little careless. Everything he does is for himself, no one else.  He looks up at me as I shove my clothes into my locker, now fully kitted up, "I need to run a personal, you can stay in the car" he informs me.  I pull a face, "okay?" I nod, following him out of the precinct.  I've worked with him for a year now, and not once has he ever pulled this stunt... but he's the senior officer... so, I have no say.

       He says nothing to me the whole drive to a very sketchy looking neighbourhood, but he seems slightly on edge, as if he isn't his usual self. We slowly roll to a stop and I expectantly look at him, "wait here" he storms off.  I scoff, "what if you need backup?" I open the door and stand up, closing the car door behind me.  He ignores me, storming into a small bungalow.

       I look around, standing in front of the squad car, completely on guard.  A few people are sitting in front of their houses, watching me, and I can't help but feel exposed.  Being a female cop, all alone, in a neighbourhood as such... it's not ideal. Kemp knows that...


       Ten minutes seem to pass by painfully slowly, and I can't help but notice how extremely quiet the neighbourhood has fallen.  Not so long ago there were kids playing with a soccer ball across the street, and the people who were sat outside their gates have vanished into their homes.  A shiver runs down my back as I lay eyes upon the house my partner is in.

       A low whistle draws my attention to the alleyway behind me, and I freeze.  Four very large men, wearing black ski masks and gloves, approach me rather quickly. 

       They stop behind the squad car, one of them giving the back tire a firm press with his boot cladded foot.  The laughter escaping their lips leaves me frozen, something is going to happen... I can feel it.  I can see it.

       "How can we help you, officer?" One man taunts, the tone of his voice giving me goosebumps.  Another man runs around the front of the squad car, smacking it with his fist, and although I try my hardest not flinch I can't help but acknowledge the presence of fear in the pit of my stomach.  They move to surround me, "I'm just waiting for my partner, he shouldn't be long. If you'll excuse me..." I begin, only to find one man with his hand shoved in his pocket, fumbling around with something. 

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