Chapter 3: I Know The Truth

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~ Trigger Warning: Usage of guns ~

Kori's POV: Same timing

I felt my heart drop as I heard Mom's voice.

"I'm not gonna say this again. What is going on here?" Mom barked.

"M-M-Mom, this is Essence. She's in my school and in a few of my classes." I giggled nervously as I put on my robe.

Essie gave a little wave.

"You don't know how to speak, yet you're in the same bed as my daughter?" Mom growled as she got in Essie's face.

"U-U-Um, I-I'm s-s-sorry." Essie stammered.

"Mom, leave her alone. She's very shy." I snapped.

"Shy? What are you, five? All you gotta do is speak. It's simple," Mom teased.

"It's simple for you, Mom, but it's hard for other people. Now can you please get out so that we can put on our clothes?" I begged.

"Hold on a minute. If it's so hard for Essence to speak, why isn't she in those classes for the slow kids?" She queried.

"Because she's not slow, she's just shy." I snarled.

Essie put on her clothes under the sheets silently.

"You're too old to be shy, girl. Speaking is easy. If you can't speak, then you got a problem. And you, Kori, what the hell are you doing dating a girl? Especially one that's so fat. I could see all four of her chins sticking out." She sneered.

"That's enough! Leave her alone and get the fuck out of my room, you piece of shit!" I barked.

"Do not talk to me like that!" Mom demanded.

"Why not? You're being way worse to Essence, who you just met today. You're the one talking about people having problems, but you're a fucking bitch! No one likes you and that's why Dad left you all those years ago, 'cause you're a piece of shit that no one can deal with!" I shouted.

Mom looked angry, but she knew I was right.

"I-I-I should g-go." Essie stammered as she slithered out of my bed and out of the room.

Once she left the room, Mom spoke up.

"You're right," Mom admitted, her voice dropping.

"W-W-Wait, huh?" I gasped.

"I said you're right. Your father left me because he was tired of dealing with me. So many people stopped being friends with me. I've tried to change, but it's not that easy." She sighed.

"So not only are you a bitch, you're also a hypocrite? You called Essence slow because it's hard for her not to be shy, but you're complaining about how it's hard for you to not be a bitch?" I scoffed.

"Can you not call me that?" She whined.

"Oh, like how I told you to stop calling Essence slow, but you continued? She's not even slow, but you, you're definitely a bitch." I snapped.

"Enough, Korelina! I will not have you call me something like that." She barked.

"But you called Essence slow! That's worse. I'm simply speaking facts." I smirked.

"What is it with you and that Essence girl? You've said her name in every response you've said back to me. It's like you're obsessed with her." She questioned.

"Mom, I'm not obsessed with her. She's my girlfriend, and you've been disrespectful to her when you just met her. Do you even know who she is? Her dad could kill you!" I snarked.

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