Epilogue 2: Love's Redemption

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*Author's Note: It's here... the final chapter of Essence! Uploading all of the chapters was a shorter experience than expected, but I loved every part of it. I learned a lot, and am going to hold off from uploading more of my work after I finish CSA because I know there's a lot I need to improve with my writing, but I'm probably going to join short story contests. I sort of overestimated my writing, and know that it wasn't exactly ready for uploading, but I didn't accept that until I was like halfway through uploading this story, and didn't want to start over. Now, I'm going to take my time with my work and realize that having more than two rough drafts is okay. This is such a strange, bittersweet feeling... but I'm content.*

Essence's POV: Three more years later

"Lovey, why is your name 'Lovey'?" Leah asked.

"Because I am the Kris Jenner of this family, and Kris Jenner's grandchildren call her 'Lovey'." Mom giggled.

"How are you, the Kris Jenner of this family?" I asked as she helped me with my dress.

"I'm everyone's mom. I make sure everyone is okay and has what they need. I am a hardworking businesswoman. I have bio children and stepchildren, just like she does. Now stand still before you get makeup on this dress. It's the perfect color for you. Lavender!" She answered.

"That's why I picked it to be the color of my wedding. Where the hell is Sydney?!" I groaned.

"She's in the bathroom. Pregnancies make you nauseous, and make you pee a lot." Mom sighed.

Tell me about it. I thought.

"I'm here, I'm here. Wooh, thank goodness, we made sure to get my dress bigger. This bump almost wouldn't fit." Syd giggled lightly.

I rolled my eyes lightly as Dad entered.

"You look so beautiful." He sniffled.

"Are you crying?" I gasped.

"Of course I am. I cry sometimes. I cried at Syd and Eli's wedding. I'll cry at Day and Vannie's wedding. Hell, I'll even cry at Desi and Zai's wedding." He chuckled as he wiped his eyes.

"Mainly because you paid for all three of them. And you offered to pay for mine." Desi teased.

He gave her a look. Then we heard the entrance music playing.

"Ah, this is so exciting, yet scary." I gasped.

"You should see how anxious Daniel is. He looks ready to shit himself." Dad teased.

"Bad word." Leah smirked.

"I'll give you a dollar later. Alright, places, everybody." Dad sighed.

The day was finally here. The day I was marrying the love of my life. Daniel Pontes. The journey to get to where we are today definitely wasn't easy, but I wouldn't trade the journey for anything. We were getting married. I was five months pregnant. Life was wonderful.

As I walked down the aisle with Dad, I tried my best not to let tears trickle down my face. It didn't help that Daniel already had a tear slipping.

"You are so beautiful. Mesmerizing. All the words in the book." He chuckled.

"Thank you, Daniel. So are you. This suit is absolutely stunning." I grinned.

I was so excited to say my vows... Well, sing them. Daniel and I were musical people. What better way to celebrate our love than to sing?

The second the priest said "You may kiss the bride", Daniel picked me up and spun me. We were practically devouring each other.

"Alright, alright, that's enough. There's already a baby in there." Dad teased.

We slowly pulled away while laughing.

"I'm your husband." He whispered.

"I'm your wife." I grinned.

The reception was definitely more for Daniel and me than for the guests. As it should be. We had our moments to sing love songs to each other. We got to cut our cake and dance together. It was amazing... Especially having my chosen family here. We were all with the loves of our lives, and I couldn't be happier. I was jumping around and dancing constantly... but with this baby inside me; I got tired quickly. 

Daniel and I were sitting on the beach, I was sitting in between his legs and resting against him. I started singing our favorite love song... I See the Light from Tangled. It was our song. Every time we sang it, I felt like I was living a fairytale.

"How come you always come back to me even though there's so many other girls out there?" I asked.

"Other girls are temporary happiness. You're permanent happiness." He grinned.

I kissed him before grinning and resting my head on his shoulder. I looked down at our rings and rubbed my stomach.

"We did it." I giggled.

"What'd we do?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes lightly. Gosh, he could be so stupid sometimes.

"I was skeptical about whether our relationship would work when we first got back together. You proved to me that taking risks can be a great thing. And we still went at my pace." I answered.

"Time is of the Essence." He chuckled.

"Ha, that's a good one. Time is of the Essence." I giggled.


Thank you for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it. Please consider voting, commenting, and reading my other work! Thank you again!

Created: March 16, 2022

Finished: March 31, 2024

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