Chapter 7: Changes

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Essence's POV: Same timing

"M-M-Mom, Dad, are you two getting divorced?" I asked as I entered with Elijah.

"K-K-Kids, were you listening in on the conversation?!" Dad hissed as he wiped his face.

"Of course we were." Eli answered.

"W-W-Well, we gotta talk about it, and once we have decided on something, we'll tell you guys," Mom answered.

Dad shooed us out again, but of course Eli and I were eavesdropping.

"M-M-Maybe some time apart would be good for us. It'll give us time to clear our heads." Mom said.

"Marrissah, you are pregnant with triplets. We can't do this right now. You need me." Dad whined.

"People have kids without being together all the time. It'll be fine, and this won't be permanent. We just need time apart. I can stay with Marriyah. The kids will stay at the house with you. They can come over when they want, but Marriyah wouldn't have enough space for the twins to stay there. Everything will be okay." Mom explained.

"Oh shit, this is for real." I whispered as I faced Eli.

"Yeah, I can't believe it's gotten to this. But I know they'll be back to normal in less than a month. They love each other." He comforted.

I nodded as we sat down in the chairs as Dad came outside.

"I'm guessing you two were listening to the conversation." He sighed.

"Well, of course we were." I replied.

"U-U-Um, go say bye to your mom so we can head home. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want me here." He stammered.

We entered the room and looked at how sad Mom was.

"Eighteen months. I sleep with someone for like thirty minutes, then regret it instantly. He dates someone for eighteen months, has a fucking child with her, and I'm the one everyone attacks. I know I shouldn't have done it, but that wasn't revenge, that was a whole 'nother level of disrespect. I--" Mom snarled.

"Momma, you gotta stay relaxed for the sake of the triplets." Eli interrupted.

She let out a sigh as tears filled her eyes.

"I just can't believe it's gotten to this point between us." She sobbed.

"It's like you said. Everything's going to be okay. Auntie Riyah will be here to help you. We can come and visit you if you need us. It's gonna be okay." I comforted as we hugged her.

"I love you guys. Stay safe, and please keep this on the down-low. Terry's definitely getting killed tonight and no one can figure out it was your father." She comforted.

"Alright. We love you too, Ma." Eli responded as we got up.

As we were leaving, we trailed behind Dad, texting each other to talk about the whole thing.

"I know you two are texting each other about this whole situation. Just say it in front of me." Dad chuckled.

"You did all of that with Abigail when all you really needed to do was talk to Mom and figure it out then. But no, you had a whole other relationship for eighteen months. Why would you do that?" I snapped.

"L-L-Look, it's complicated--" He started.

"It really isn't. You wanna be with someone else, don't cheat, talk to Mom about it. You weren't gonna tell Mom about it if Abigail didn't die. The affair probably wouldn't have even ended there. A-A-And if you didn't find out Mom killed her, you still wouldn't have told her. A year and a half, Dad, are you serious?!" Eli barked.

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