Chapter 34: Confronting Demons

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~ Trigger Warning: substance abuse ~

"Great, you're here." Daniel scoffed.

Myles put the gun down and sighed.

"Daniel, why the hell are you making so much noise?" I snapped.

"Fuck off." He grouched.

"Watch your tone," Myles snarled.

"Myles, I can handle it." I whispered.

"Yeah, listen to her like a little--" Daniel started.

"Daniel, unless you want to get shot, you're going to be nice. Are you on drugs?" I asked.

"Wow, that's your first assumption? You're usually smarter than that, E." Daniel chuckled as he poked my forehead.

"Shit, Daniel, where'd you get drugs from?" I groaned.

"Is he an addict?" Myles asked as he came downstairs.

"Yes, and he's been sober for a few months after relapsing. Now he's relapsing again." I scoffed.

"What should we do?" He questioned.

"Well, first, hide this from Desi. She'll be terrified. The first time Daniel became addicted, she found him almost dead. Last time he relapsed she stayed over at her now ex's house until she believed he was sober. I gotta figure out where he got drugs from." I explained.

"I can help." He grinned lightly.

"Essence, bro, I'm not on no fucking drugs." Daniel chuckled as he stumbled onto the couch.

"Daniel. Call your sponsor." I instructed.

"It's midnight, and I don't need to call him. I'm not on anything." He hissed.

I grabbed his phone while Myles held him down. I got into the phone and was about to call Landon when a message from Bailey came in.

Bailey: My plug can give you any kind of drug you want any time you want some.

Shit, I'll deal with her later. I called Landon and sighed in relief when he answered.

"U-U-Um, hey Landon, t-this is Essence, Daniel's... friend. H-H-He relapsed, I don't know on what..." I stammered.

"Thank you for calling. I can come over to assist, address hasn't changed since the last relapse, correct?" He questioned.

"Yeah, it's still the same." I answered.

"Okay, I'll be there in ten. In the meantime, try to see if you can figure out what's in his system." He instructed.

"Okay, thank you." I sighed.

I put the phone down and looked over at Myles and Daniel. Daniel looked like an angry little kid, Myles being the stern father.

"The sponsor is coming in around ten minutes. I'll see if Bailey can say what he's on." I said.

"So I gotta hold him down until then?" Myles groaned.

"No, I don't think so. He's pretty calm right now." I replied.

"Why are y'all talking about me as if I'm not right here?" Daniel hissed.

I ignored him as I called Bailey on Daniel's phone.

"Hey, babe." Bailey grinned.

Gross. I thought.

"Bailey, it's Essence--" I started.

"Why are you on Daniel's phone?" She snapped.

"Bailey, listen to me. What drugs did Daniel take?" I asked.

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