Epilogue 1 - Chapter 1: Familiar Ground, Fresh Starts

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*Author's Note: Okay, the chapter looks confusing, I know. There are technically two epilogues... The second one is just a lone chapter, but I couldn't include it in this epilogue. Then again, this epilogue is a few chapters long... I don't know, bear with me. Here we go!*

Epilogue: Four years later - Essence's POV

"Ah! I can't wait to see Leah!" I squealed as I got in my car.

"She can't wait to see you, either. Leah, say 'hi' to your auntie." Syd giggled.

"Hi Auntie." Leah grinned.

I just completed my junior year of college, and I was heading back home. My college was far from home. It felt like so long since I had seen everyone.

"I can't believe Desiree's graduating high school." Syd gasped.

"I know. These past four years went by so fast." I sighed.

"Have you talked to Myles since you two broke up?" She questioned.

"I congratulated him on getting his degree, a-and wished him a happy birthday. This past year was hard, but us breaking up was for the best. We were drifting apart, and the relationship began feeling forced." I explained.

"Is that my favorite sister?" Eli beamed.

"Don't let Camila or Clementine hear that... but yes, it is. I got off the plane not too long ago. I'm heading to Mom and Dad's house." I answered.

"The triplets are there. Me and the girls are going to head over there soon. We'll probably be there before you." He replied.

Marrissah and Dad have gotten better at co-parenting. They had a good schedule, and everyone was getting along. I stopped calling Marrissah 'Mom', but our relationship had gotten better. She and Mark got married two years ago, and they were very happy together.

"How do you feel about seeing Daniel?" Syd smirked.

"Sydney, don't do that. Daniel and I talk all the time. We're great friends. We're better at being friends than we were as a couple." I responded.

"We'll see. He's single now." She giggled.

"I already know that. He told me about it." I sighed.

Bailey and Daniel broke up not too long ago. Daniel wasn't too explicit with the details, but I knew she broke up with him, and it was messy. I'm suspecting she cheated on him. It makes sense about how heartbroken he was. Bailey showed the most love the entire relationship, all for him to break his heart. Ha, kinda like what Daniel did to me. I'd make that joke... but Daniel would be furious.

I got to my parents' house and squealed as I entered.

"Essence!" The triplets squealed as they ran to me.

"Every time I see you guys, you change so much. And so does this house." I gasped as I hugged them.

"Who's here? Ah! My princess!" Mom exclaimed as she approached me.

"Hi, Mom. I've missed you too." I giggled as we hugged.

Mom and I were practically inseparable. She may not have given birth to me, but it felt like she did.

"How was your flight back? Are you hungry? Help yourself to anything. Your room still looks the same. You don't gotta worry about that--" She started.

"Mom, relax. You're acting like it's been years since I came. I was here during the holiday break." I giggled.

EssenceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin