Chapter 19: Homecoming

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Essence's POV: As she and Daniel are heading to school

"Daniel, Desi will be fine by herself at home. Quit worrying." I comforted.

"If I don't see Isa at school today, I'm gonna know she's at the house and those two are fucking." He hissed.

"D, we just talked to her yesterday. If she's ready, she's ready. There's no stopping her." I replied.

He let out a grumble as he parked the car. We slowly entered the school as everyone looked at us.

"These people are so nosy." I hissed.

"Well, E, we're a power couple, and when power couples break up, everyone wants them back together, then when they do end up getting back together, everyone wants to know what happened." He chuckled.

"I don't care. They need to mind their own business." I whined.

He laughed as he put his arm around me.

"I told you she'd be mad with all these people staring." Grace giggled.

"Why wouldn't I be mad? These nosy fuckheads have nothing to do with themselves." I snapped.

"It's not that big of a deal, E." Jayla teased.

I gave her a look. Trey still hasn't talked to Jayla's dad or stepmom. If he wouldn't do it, I'd do it myself.

"Trey, I'm gonna talk to her dad and stepmom today. This can't keep going on." I whispered as I sat down next to him.

"Jayla knows. She told me to stay out of it. I don't know what to do." He admitted.

I looked over at Jayla, who was glaring at me.

"Lala--" I started.

"I've told you, E, I'm fine. I'm following your plan. There's nothing to tell my dad or Hannah about." She said.

"You know you're not following it. I saw you with all that food." Trey hissed.

"You saw wrong." She snapped.

"You're going to get sick. You could die." I pleaded.

"At least I'd die thick." She muttered.

I scoffed as I walked towards Daniel.

"You can't help someone that doesn't want to help themselves, babe." He comforted me as he put his arm around me.

"B-B-But I can't just do nothing." I hissed.

"Essence, sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. She'll realize that she needs the help eventually." He sighed.

I scoffed lightly. I didn't just want to let her practically kill herself. I wish I could help her, but Daniel's right, you can't help someone who doesn't want help.

After school, Mom called me and told me to find Eli.

"Hey, Mom." Eli beamed as he tried to take the phone from me.

"Ew, don't touch my phone. I don't know where your hands have been." I hissed.

"Twins, relax. I gotta talk to you two about something important." Mom snapped.

"What's up? Is everything okay?" I gasped.

"Everything's fine. So listen, Mark wants to get to know you guys, s-s-since he's becoming an important part of my life." She said.

"I don't want to get to know him." I blurted out.

"Essence, he's probably gonna become your stepfather. Things are serious between us." She pleaded.

EssenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora