Chapter 40: Return To Roots

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Essence's POV: Going home

I brought enough clothing to last me until the rest of the school year, which was three weeks. Hopefully, this would be a good thing. I don't know what I should tell Myles... he might be mad knowing Daniel still loves me.

"Essence? Not that I'm happy to see you, but what are you doing here?" Abby asked as she hugged me.

"It's a long story, but I'm going to stay here for a little while, i-if that's okay." I stammered.

"Of course it's okay!" She squealed as she hugged me again.

Gosh, I loved how much love Abby showed to me.

"Okay, I'm going to put my stuff in my old room, then I'll explain everything to you." I grinned.

"You came at the perfect timing. I just made cookies." She giggled.

I put my stuff away, then met Abby in the living room and picked up a cookie.

"Daniel still loves me." I started.

She practically choked.

"Isn't he dating that girl now?" She asked.

"Her name's Bailey, but yeah, he is. We agreed we should spend some time apart so he could truly move on. He was going to leave and have me and Desiree stay at the house, but I told him it would be better if I just came here. Plus, I miss you and Dad." I explained.

"I missed you too." She sighed happily.

I continued explaining everything, then talked about how fun prom was, then Dad came home.

"Hey, Essence! What are you doing here?" He asked as he hugged me.

"Me and Daniel need some time apart. He still loves me. It's a mess." I groaned.

Then Eli came storming into the house.

"Essence, great, you're here. Daniel told Bailey everything. I gotta catch you up on everything. It's so crazy." Eli panted.

"Your mouth is humongous. It's only been ten minutes since he talked to you," Syd teased as she followed.

Eli told me everything, and I honestly thought I'd feel weird knowing Daniel and Bailey were in love, or somewhat in love, but I felt happy and relieved. It made me feel better about being with Myles.

"What's he gonna do to get her back?" I asked.

"He didn't tell me, I just know he has some big ass idea. He really wants to fix things with her. I think it's sweet." He answered.

"It is. I'm glad he's finally moving on." I grinned lightly.

"Not gonna lie, I thought you two were still secretly hooking up for a bit after the break-up." He muttered.

"Are you serious? Then there would be no point in breaking up." I scoffed.

"Eh, that's true." He chuckled lightly.

Being back in the home I grew up in was interesting. I thought about why I was emancipated in the first place, and I honestly felt like I didn't need to be anymore. Then... I got an idea.

"Dad, I have a question." I started as I entered his office.

"What's up?" He queried as he motioned for me to sit down.

"S-S-So, you know how Daniel and I lived at the vacation house for a while, but since we're broken up now--" I began.

"Essence, are you asking me to let Daniel and Desiree stay at the vacation house and you stay here for good?" He interrupted.

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