Chapter 6: Downhill

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"No," I whispered.

"Hey, Essie." Kori grinned.

"Who's at the... what the actual fuck?" Eli gasped.

Everyone approached us in shock.

"Ooh, it looks like a party here." Kori giggled.

"I thought you were--" I started.

"Dead? Nope. I'm not dead. I was born with a rare genetic mutation, so I'm... immortal, I guess? About ten minutes after you 'killed me', I was perfectly fine." She explained.

I felt anger building up inside of me. I grabbed the closest weapon near me, which was a hat rack, and I started beating her with it.

"Stay the fuck away from me and my family. You tried to kill my brother, you lied to me, and I don't want to see you again!" I barked.

"I did it for you, Essie." She pleaded.

"Stop fucking calling me that!" I snarled as I hit her face.

She lost consciousness as the guys pulled me away.

"Okay, Kori's actually insane." Treyvonne sighed.

"Yeah, but E, you beating her with that thing isn't gonna do anything. She's never gonna die." Eli said.

I dropped the coat rack. Then I got an idea.

"I'm gonna kill her," I smirked.

"... You did hear what Eli just said, right?" Syd giggled.

"I have an idea. If we trap her into some box thing, where she'll have no way to escape, then we throw her into the ocean and drown her. She'll just keep dying repeatedly, and she probably won't wake up." I explained.

"... Where did you come up with this?" Daniel asked.

I shrugged my shoulders as I went back outside to grab Kori. As soon as my hand touched her body, she grabbed me.

"Essie, I've missed you so much. Please give me a second chance. I love you so much." She sobbed.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't do anything to hurt me." I said.

"I know you still love me." She grinned.

"I don't. I've moved on from you. I stopped loving you the second I found out what you did to my brother. I'll never love you again." I snarled.

"That's where you're wrong. I can feel it. It's okay, babe." She whispered as she brushed her hand across my face.

"Listen to me. Stop fucking trying to force this shit. I wanna be with someone else. Leave me the fuck alone." I growled as I choked her.

She started struggling to breathe, then she finally stopped breathing. I pulled her inside and tied her up. I bound her hands, her feet, I even tied a tight rope around her neck to make sure that she'll keep dying repeatedly. The others helped me throw her in a box. We grabbed a bunch of rocks, then we drove to the beach. Dad owned a yacht, so we went on it and headed out into the ocean.

"How are you feeling, E?" Daniel asked.

I let out a sigh.

"I'm glad this is gonna finally be over. She keeps saying that I still love her, but I'm fully over her." I answered.

"You're gonna be okay." He comforted as he hugged me.

"Thanks." I grinned.

We got to the middle of the ocean, then opened the box. Kori was squirming weakly in there. We threw the rocks in the box, then slammed it shut again.

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