Chapter 21: The Mirror's Reflection

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*Trigger Warning: Body dysmorphic behavior, weight insecurities*

Essence's POV: The morning

"Aw, today's gonna be so boring without you here." Daniel pouted as he ran his hands along my body.

"Daniel, it'll be fine." I comforted as I planted kisses along his chest.

"But things are still awkward between me and Desiree." He whined as grabbed my butt.

"Oh yeah, 'cause you watched her have an orgasm." I giggled.

"Okay, I'm officially turned off." He groaned as he rolled over.

"Daniel, it's okay. You two will get over this. The more you think about it, the more awkward." I comforted.

He let out another groan as he covered his face with the blanket. I sighed.

"I have to get ready to hang with Eli and Mark today, anyway." I said unenthusiastically.

"Say you got a fever and stay with me the entire day." He pouted as he sat up.

"I would love to, but I'm actually interested in what'll happen today." I giggled as I kissed his nose.

"I'm gonna stay in this room the entire day." He groaned.

"Daniel, how long is this gonna go on? Just get over it." I whined as I grabbed my towel to shower.

"You don't understand." He hissed.

"I've walked in on Eli and Syd before... many times. They need a 'do not disturb' sign." I admitted.

"Hmph, maybe you do understand." He grumbled as he grabbed his towel.

"We should go on a date. We haven't gone on one in a while." I suggested as I turned on the water.

"You're right. Where should we go?" He asked.

"Hm, I don't know. I don't mind where we go." I grinned.

"You're too cute." He gushed as he kissed me.

I giggled through the kiss as his hands traveled along my body. We were about to get more into it, when my phone went off.

"New message from Eli 'blue heart emoji' 'rolling eyes emoji' 'fingers crossed emoji'; Essence, we are twenty minutes away. Be ready." My phone speaker announced.

"Twenty minutes?!" I gasped as I quickly grabbed the soap.

I rushed to finish showering, then almost fell running out of the bathroom to put on lotion and my clothes. Luckily I had my hair done, so I just had to do my edges. I'm praying they're easy to do today.

"Essence, slow down. The more you rush, the crazier you'll look." Daniel chuckled as he came out of the shower.

"Daniel, shush, you're naked with only a towel around your waist. I'm getting distracted." I hissed as I put my shoes on.

"Great, does that mean you'll stay home?" He teased.

I gave him a look as I opened my edge control. I quickly did my edges and finished in perfect timing.

"Alright, time for one of the most awkward days of my life. Bye, Daniel, I love you." I grinned as I gave him a peck.

"I love you too." He pouted as he kissed me back.

I rushed out of the house and into the car.

"Why are you so out of breath?" Eli smirked.

"Well, I overslept, so I was rushing to get ready." I lied.

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