Chapter 23: Birthday Blues

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*Trigger Warning: Disordered eating habits/disordered thinking towards consumption*

Essence's POV: The birthday

I fell asleep shortly after midnight. I was seventeen! Well, technically I had a couple more hours until I was actually born, but eek, today's my birthday! I woke up a bit later than usual for school, and I noticed Daniel wasn't in the bed. I sat up and looked towards my dresser, where there were multiple presents. I rushed to open them when the door flew open.

"Happy birthday, gorgeous, but you know you can't open those until everyone gets here later." Daniel chuckled.

"Then why would you put them here in my sight?!" I whined.

"To tease you. Now get ready. The only present that you can see is this amazing outfit I got you. Desi helped me pick it out." He grinned as he opened the closet.

I looked at the outfit and gasped lightly. It was this gorgeous burgundy, deep v-neck bodycon dress.

"Do you like it?" He asked nervously.

"I love it, thanks, babe." I giggled as I kissed his cheek.

"Alright, get ready, and don't come downstairs until I tell you to." He grinned.

I giggled as I went to get ready. My birthday was the only time of year where I truly cared about my appearance. I had my nails done; I got a sew-in; I got my lashes done; I felt like a bad bitch. When I put on the dress, I knew I looked good. I looked in the mirror and froze.

Gosh, I was wrong. I looked absolutely hideous. I was disgusted with myself! I had tears in my eyes as I just stared at myself, thinking about the hallucinations at the amusement park.

"Essence, didn't you hear me calling you-- what happened?!" He gasped.

"I hate how I look." I sobbed.

"You are stunning. I wish you could see that." He comforted as he hugged me.

"You're lying to me. I can't wear this." I groaned.

"Yes, you can. I wouldn't lie to you about something like this. You know that." He said.

"Fuck, now I'm crying on my birthday." I whined as I wiped my tears and went downstairs.

"Happy birthday! We made you a breakfast buffet because Daniel forgot what your favorite breakfast was," Desi exclaimed.

I giggled lightly as I hugged her.

"My favorite breakfast is strawberry French toast, for future reference." I sneered.

"Hey, I made that! Over here!" Daniel beamed as he took my hand.

We went straight past the kitchen and into the dining room, but I glimpsed the enormous mess in there.

"What the fuck did you two do to the kitchen?!" I gasped.

"W-W-We're gonna clean it. Don't worry, just eat something before we leave for school." He said.

I grabbed a plate and went through the "buffet". There were eggs, made my favorite way, scrambled with peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach, and cheese, regular toast, strawberry French toast, chocolate chip French toast, sausage, bacon, fruits, yogurt, granola, and waffles. We'd be eating this for an entire month. I grabbed the two kinds of French toast, eggs, sausage, and fruit. Then went to the condiment section. There was whipped cream, chocolate sauce, honey, syrup, ketchup, and hot sauce. I grabbed the whipped cream, honey, and hot sauce. Then sat down at the table.

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