Chapter 29: Casual Chemistry

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*Author's Note: This chapter is pretty short... But the next one is longer, and just a heads-up, it gets really deep. I'll be putting a trigger warning at the beginning of the next chapter, but I just wanted to put an extra "warning" here.*

Essence's POV: As she gets to work

"Hey, Myles." I grinned lightly as I entered the restaurant.

"Hey, Essence." He replied as he opened the little door so I could get behind the register.

"How was your day?" I asked as I twiddled with his fingers.

"Are you high?" He whispered.

"No." I lied as I put on my apron.

"If Theresa finds out, you know she'll snitch." He sighed.

"So then she just won't find out." I giggled.

He sighed before we got to work. Work today went by so slowly, and the high made me tired. On my break, I ended up falling asleep, but Myles woke me up if another worker came and when it was time to get back to work.

"D-D-Do you think we can take a rain check on the movie? I'm sorry, but I feel like I might just fall asleep during the movie." I sighed.

"O-Okay, that's okay... b-b-but maybe you can still spend the night though? A-A-And I can bring you to school?" He suggested.

"Okay, but I'm warning you, I might snore. When I get into a deeper sleep while high, I snore." I admitted.

"That's okay, I won't mind... hopefully." He chuckled lightly.

I texted my dad to let him know I wouldn't be coming home for the night, but then he told me to come home first. I was afraid. While Dad has left his dangerous gang ways, he was still scary sometimes.

We went to my house, and I told Myles to stay outside, but to be careful.

"Hey, Dad." I said nervously as I entered.

"Hey, we got you a present." Dad grinned.

"Ooh, what is it?" I asked.

"The car. We hid it in the garage, thinking you weren't home yet, so you didn't see it, b-b-but you were already here." He replied.

"Aw, thank you!" I beamed as I hugged him.

"You're welcome. Abby and I thought that since you know, you and Daniel aren't together anymore, you're probably not going to share a car anymore." He stammered.

"Eek, thank you!" I beamed as I hugged Abby.

"You're welcome." She giggled as she hugged me, then kissed my forehead.

"Is that Myles?" Dad asked.

"Y-Y-Yeah." I answered.

"Let me holla at him for a sec." He said.

"O-Oh, you don't have to--" I started.

He ignored me before walking outside. Gosh, he was going to hurt him.

"Mom, do something." I begged.

"Oh, now it's 'Mom'. You're overreacting. He won't hurt him." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes before running after him.

"Dad, what are you--" I began.

"Hey, Mav." Myles grinned.

"Hey, Chimp-Chimp." Dad chuckled before dapping him up.

"What the fuck is a 'Chimp-Chimp'? I-I-I'm confused." I stammered.

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