Epilogue 1 - Chapter 5: Syncing Synergies

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*Author's Note: Ahhh! Essence is almost done, today I'm posting two chapters since I didn't want to post one chapter next week. Thank you for reading Essence!*

Essence's POV: Telling the girls about the date

"This is so exciting. The second we all give up the idea that you and Daniel were going to get back together, you two go on a date." Vannie squealed.

"It's kind of messy... We slept together on Thursday, and he was so quick to think of date ideas, saying we were meant to be, but in high school our timing wasn't right. All this bullshit that overwhelmed me. Then yesterday we had a talk so we could get on the same page, now here we are." I explained.

"I don't think it's bullshit that you two are right for each other and just had the timing wrong before." Lala mumbled.

"I just don't believe in that stuff." I sighed.

"You two are so similar, but so different at the same time. Some of your character traits are similar, but you have opposite views of love. E, it's hard for you to be vulnerable and love. Affection is something you're getting used to. You also see sex as a lustful thing. Daniel loves hard, he gets attached fast as hell. Especially with you. And sex for him is something loving. You were his first, so any intimate moment you two have, he sees it as something that means you two are going to be together." Aya explained.

I sighed.

"It's like a part of me wants to believe in love and all the romantic stuff, but then a part of me doesn't because Daniel showed more love than I did, yet he cheated on me." I mumbled.

"What happened to leaving the past in the past?" Syd smirked.

I sighed as I gave her a look.

"That's different." I squeaked.

"Essence, you need to trust him to be with him. You need to move on from what happened before." Grace said.

"I know, I know. I just have to get used to this." I sighed.

After a little while, I was getting curious about what was going on between Desi and Zaiden.

"W-Well, I don't know. I love him more than anyone, b-b-but we're not together, I just don't want us to get back together then ruin the great friendship we have... But, he's the person I think about when I go to sleep, and the person I think about when I wake up. I always try to suppress my feelings for him because we're great friends... But from time to time, we end up doing something together. Not sex, but making out, or getting touchy. The night of prom, after the whole afterparty situation, we ended up making out. I tried to avoid talking about it, but I realized it was time to speak up. We talked about it yesterday and decided that we won't get into a relationship... but if we wanna kiss, we're going to kiss." She explained.

"What?!" We gasped.

Desiree had a big mouth, so for her to keep all of this a secret was insane.

"So, basically friends with benefits?" Vannie questioned.

"No labels. Labels make me stressed and make me feel pressured," Desi said.

"Okay." Vannie mumbled.

Daniel's POV: Telling the boys about the date

"I think this is a great start to something beautiful. You two are meant to be." Manny grinned.

"I hope so. I think she had a great time. She was all giggly on the car ride back." I replied.

"I think as long as you two are communicative and stay on the same page, you guys could make this work." Eli said.

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