Chapter 30: Breaking Point

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~ TRIGGER WARNING: Detailed talk about self-harm, depression, suicide ~

Dayveonne's POV: At the house last night

"My parents are staying with Essence, Eli's with Syd, we have the house to ourselves." I smirked as I wrapped my arms around Vanessa.

"I know what you have in mind, b-b-but I was thinking we could just talk." She giggled lightly.

"Okay, that's fine. What do you want to talk about?" I asked as we sat down.

"I-I-I relapsed." She muttered as she lifted her bracelets.

I sighed as I rested my forehead on hers.

"What gave you the urge?" I questioned.

"My parents, they're not understanding my depression. I just feel terrible." She sniffled.

I lightly ran my hands along her fresh scars.

"What if you just stay here?" I suggested.

"I doubt your parents will allow that." She scoffed lightly.

"I can ask them, i-if you're okay with that." I stammered.

"Okay." She grinned.

"Now, for the harm, what'd you use?" I questioned.

She handed me her pocket knife, and I handed her a rubber band. She placed it on her wrist and sniffled.

"I feel like a failure." She groaned.

"You're not a failure, Vannie. You slipped up, b-but you told me about it. That's not something a failure would do. That shows that you want to get better. I'm proud that you told me." I explained.

She kissed me, then sighed.

"Thank you." She whispered.

I lightly caressed her face.

"You're gonna get through this, my love." I reassured her.

She let out a shaky sigh as she covered her scars. She looked at the rubber band and snapped it lightly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You're such a great boyfriend, and I feel like I'll just hurt you." She sniffled.

"What do you mean?" I gasped.

Tears flooded her face before she got up and began pacing.

"Baby, talk to me." I begged.

"I-I-I should go, I should go." She stammered before picking up her bag.

I understood what was happening and blocked her from the door.

"Vannie, put your bag down. Talk to me. Think about what you're doing." I instructed.

"No." She said weakly as she tried to push past me.

"Vanessa, stop it!" I barked as I picked her up.

She dropped her bag and began sobbing into my shoulder.

"I can't do this anymore... I need to go to the hospital." She sobbed.

"Okay, okay, let's go. It's going to be okay." I comforted as I rubbed her back.

We didn't call her parents on the way. They needed to see it themselves how badly they fucked up their daughter. When we got there, she was immediately taken in by a doctor. I was pacing, as I wasn't able to see her for a bit. I had to wait until the psychiatrist talked to her, and then finally I could see her.

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