Chapter 12: Mess, Mess, Mess

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*Author's Note: Gosh, this chapter is a mess... There's not one, but TWO sex scenes that I can't bear to read because they just make me cringe so hard... but the story would be a lot different without it. So, I apologize in advance and I will gladly pay for everyone's therapy!*

When I woke up, Daniel was already awake... Well, trying to stay awake.

"You think we should just stay home? We need the rest. You're working later, and me, I barely slept." He sighed as I entered the kitchen.

"We can't make it obvious that you killed him. Staying home the day after, when you're rarely absent, is suspicious." I replied as I began making coffee.

"Okay. I'll go check if Desi's up. We're lucky her school isn't far from ours or else we'd have to leave way earlier." He chuckled as he headed upstairs.

I sat down and checked my phone. Eli had texted me.

Him: Everything feels weird... Barely staying at home, you don't even live there anymore, Day's been acting all distant and shit. How did this all happen?

Aw, it was kicking in that our "normal" family life has been ripped to shreds.

Me: Mom and Dad made their mistakes. They kept it from each other for years. If they told each other early on, things totally would've been different. And what do you mean about Day being distant?

Him: He's always with Vanessa, always talking to me like I did something to him. I don't know.

Me: Maybe we should talk to him. When we get to school, I'll have Daniel open up the basement.

Him: Okay.

I sighed as I put my head down.

"Are you okay?" Desi asked as she came downstairs, fully prepared for school.

"How'd you get ready so quickly?" I questioned.

"I woke up early. I was gonna wake you guys up, but I didn't think that would be a good idea." She answered as she looked for something to eat.

I sighed as I drank my coffee, then got ready.

"Alright, Desi. Remember, no talking about what happened, got it?" Daniel asked as we approached her school.

"Okay, okay! Bye, guys." She replied as she got out of the car.

"Don't stress out about it, babe. Everything's gonna be fine." I comforted.

We headed to our school and met up with the others. Day was giving us stony stares the entire time. Eli was ready to beat the shit out of him.

"Day, we gotta talk." I hissed as I grabbed his arm and started walking to the staircase.

"Why are you dragging me? Help, I'm being kidnapped!" He scoffed.

"Dayveonne, stop it. This is important." Eli snapped as we headed to the basement.

Once we got there, we sat him down on the couch, and he folded his arms.

"What's been going on? You're all distant, giving me dirty looks. If you wanna fight or something, we can get it in right now," Eli snarled.

"No, no, no! No fighting." I instructed.

"You two practically left me to fend for myself! Eli, you're always with Syd, Essence, you don't even live at the house anymore! Mom and Dad turned into sex addicts. They don't even care if I'm in the house! Why'd you leave me?! Do you guys not like me so now you left me there?!" He cried.

"Day, no offense, but us being around less has absolutely nothing to do with you. I left because I've never been treated right by Dad or my mom." I replied.

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