Chapter 25: Hearts Aligned

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Finally, it was Valentine's Day. My first Valentine's Day with a significant other!

"Happy Valentine's-- woah..." I gasped as I sat up.

I skipped my run this morning. I knew Daniel would wake up earlier than usual to set up the bedroom, so I didn't want to take any chances.

"Do you like it?" Daniel asked.

There were balloons all over, flowers, chocolates, and a gigantic teddy bear.

"This is amazing. I love it." I beamed as I hugged him.

There was a box of vinyls and a smaller box on the dresser.

"Is this..." I started.

He quickly picked it up, then turned me to face him.

"Essence, we've been through a lot together. Emancipations, moving, amnesia, addiction, new siblings, it's a lot. It feels like we've been together forever, and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else, especially in our current situation. So, I got you a promise ring. This ring is a symbol of my love and commitment to you. I promise to always be faithful to you. I promise never to invalidate you or intentionally hurt you. I promise to always be there for you, no matter what. I promise to never give up on us. I promise to always love and cherish you, and I promise to be true to you... forever." He grinned as he put the ring on my finger.

I pulled him into a hug as I was practically sobbing tears of joy.

"I love you so much, Daniel." I gushed as I buried him in kisses.

"I love you too." He chuckled as he wiped my tears.

"Oh my gosh, I feel like I could explode. Let me get your gifts." I giggled as I entered the closet.

I grabbed a bunch of boxes, then set them on the ground.

"There's so much." He gasped.

He opened the gifts as I stared at my promise ring, kind of feeling lightheaded from excitement.

I got him Ethika boxers that I would totally steal, lots of candy, some guitar accessories, mainly so he'd stop stealing mine, hair products since he also keeps stealing mine, a couple of hoodies, then finally, a promise chain, and a card. Mainly 'cause I knew if I said everything I wanted to say out loud, I'd start crying. What I didn't know was that Daniel would cry, too.

"Oh my gosh, you're crying?" I gasped as I got on top of him and hugged him.

"This is beautiful." He sniffled.

I put the chain on him, then we began making out and made love... On the ground, which was quieter than the bed.

"Essence, Daniel! We're gonna be late. Get up!" Desi shouted from outside the door.

"We'll be ready soon!" I replied.

"Y'all would've already been ready if you guys didn't waste all this time having sex!" She snapped.

"You didn't have to call us out like that," Daniel sighed as he helped me off the ground.

We rushed to get ready, like seriously rushed. I ended up having to do my hair in the car.

"This is cute." Daniel gushed as he fluffed my hair.

I gave him a look as I began re-fluffing that section of my hair. We got to school, and the school was decorated in red, pink, white decor, and horny teens.

"Damn, y'all couldn't have done all that before school, or waited until after?" I gagged.

"Y'all definitely did it before. You guys are later than usual," Vanessa teased.

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