Chapter 38: Contrasting Celebrations

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By the next week, I found my dress and shoes. Desi was trying to plan a party, and Myles still didn't want to do anything for his birthday. They actually shared a birthday, which was kind of funny because of how opposite their attitudes were toward it.

"Daniel, please!" Desi begged.

"Desiree, I told you already. You can only have the party if there is going to be someone here to supervise. Bailey and I can't do it alone, and I don't know if Essence will be here since it's also Myles' birthday." Daniel sighed.

"What if she just has the party on Saturday? I'll definitely be here then, and maybe Myles could help too. Or we could just invite the entire friend group. Ooh! What if we have the group sleepover that night? That way, they'll all already be here. We can make sure all the kids get home safely, and all of that." I suggested.

"No! You guys are going to crash my party." She whined.

"No, we won't. We will stay out of your way. We're just going to make sure nothing crazy goes on. The limit is twenty people, and you guys can't be too loud. Go tell your friends, and let us know what kind of food, cake, and games you want to have." Daniel replied.

She squealed as she ran out of the room.

"How crazy do you think this party will be?" I asked.

"I think it'll be great. We got this." He grinned.

"I just hope no one does anything too crazy. Do you think it would be weird if I invited Myles? O-O-Or if you invited Bailey?" I questioned.

"I don't think so. I feel like if we were to ask the others about this, they'd just want us to make sure we're okay with that." He responded.

"I'm okay with it if you are." I grinned lightly.

"I'll text Bailey." He chuckled.

I quickly texted Myles, and I had to convince him I wasn't planning anything for him. He really didn't want to do anything for his birthday.

Now let's skip to the day of Myles' birthday. The second I woke up, I FaceTimed him and sang happy birthday.

"I love your voice, but I hate that fucking song." He groaned.

"Jeez, so you just woke up in a bad mood?" I scoffed.

"Yes. I hate my birthday. I just want to skip this day." He grumbled.

"Just see it as a normal day if that makes you feel better. I'm assuming your friends already know you hate your birthday, so they won't do anything. Today could be a good day." I comforted.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm going to go get ready. I'll talk to you later, and you better not have gotten me a present." He hissed.

"I didn't." I lied.

He rolled his eyes before hanging up. Jeez, he's like the grinch of birthdays. I didn't get him a big present. I just got him a couple of books because I knew he liked to read. I was also going to surprise him by going to his house after school. I know he didn't want to do anything, but I wanted to be there for him, so I'll watch movies and eat Chinese food with him if that makes him happy.

"What are you doing for Myles today?" Daniel asked as I came downstairs.

"He doesn't want to do anything, so I'll respect his wishes and just chill with him after school." I answered.

"It's my birthday!" Desi sang as she came downstairs in her birthday outfit.

"She and Myles are polar opposites." I teased.

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