Chapter 1

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Allison's POV:

"Allison! Breakfast!" My dad calls as I finish taking down some posters.

"Coming dad!" I yell back as I look at the last poster. Louis' smiling face looks back at me as I set it in a box with the rest of my 1D stuff. I close the box, set it on the shelf of my closet and rush upstairs. I had been up since 6am re-decorating my bedroom and I'm only half done. I sigh as my dad hands me a plate of pancakes and cup of coffee.

"Thanks dad." I say smiling as he kisses my forehead.

"Anything for you Princess." He responds and we both laugh. Just as we both sit down, there is a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I say, standing up. I walk to the door, coffee in hand, and answer it.

"Nelson residence, how can I help you?" I ask to the man standing outside.

"Yes, is your father home?" He asks.

"Uh yea. Just gimme a sec." I look over my shoulder.

"DAD!" I yell. He walks over.

"He wants to talk to you." I say as I take a sip of my coffee. How I love my coffee.

"Paul. What a pleasant surprise." Dad says. Paul? Where have I heard that name before? Oh well. I walk back to the table, only to see five boys out on the front lawn. I look at them in confusion as the wave at me through the window. One of them, the blonde one, looks frightened as the curly haired on looks like he is trying to calm them down.

Where have I seen these boys before?

"-Need a place to stay for a while, they need a break from touring." I hear Paul say.

"Allison! Come meet the boys!" My dad calls and I walk onto the balcony. Paul turns his gaze to me, then back to my father.

"Is she a fan?" He asks. A fan of what?

"I think so." My dad replies. Paul motions the five boys over and my dad looks at me.

"Allison, this is One Direction. They will be staying with us until they are ready to tour again." My dad states. The boys wave as a spray of coffee flies from my mouth.



Author's Note

Hey everyone!!

I am sorry for the short first chapter, they will progressivly get longer as I go. Please bear with me as this is my first fanfic. Comment, Vote and fan if you like my writing please! I would greatly appreciate it xD xD xD Please share with your friends xD

Dedication goes to @LawanVul1 for the amazayn cover! Thank you so much!

I know I said I would leave a song, but I couldn't resist the trailer xD

Anyone excited/happy?


Undiscovered Talent (A One Direction Fan Fiction) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now