Chapter 27

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Liam's POV

The lads and I sit silently in the car as we drive to the hospital. Louis is already there with Allison, due to the paramedic thinking he was family. He looked so broken when I was on the phone with Paul and Andy.

"Is she going to be okay?" Niall asks timidly, considering its the first thing anyone has said since I told them all to get in the car.

"We hope so mate..." Harry says and hugs Niall.  Poor lad, he's literally in tears. He must seriously be worried, and I don't blame him. We're all worried sick about her, especially Louis. Zayn is awfully quiet back there, he isn't even styling his hair. Niall won't touch the food we brought for him and Harry is staring out the window, his usual cheeky smile replaced with a worried scowl. I feel so bad for the lads. Come on Liam, stay strong for them. They need you, Louis needs you, and Allison needs you. I think to myself as I drive down to the Royal University Hospital. We hit another red light.

"What's with this city and red lights?" I mutter to myself, and Harry starts snickering. I smile slightly as the lads start laughing and telling jokes. Zayn complains about not being able to use the rear view mirror to style his hair, Niall asks for more food  and Harry's face is plastered once again with that cheeky smile. The light changes to green and I drive down the freeway, concentrating on the road. Ten minutes until I get to the hospital.

"Harry? Can you call Lou please? I wanna see how he's doing." I say slowly, hoping I don't kill the good mood.

"Yea, sure. Want him on speaker?" Harry responds. Niall and Zayn's face instantly switch from the laughing and smiling faces to worried and sad faces. Harry dials Louis' number and switches it to speaker, letting it ring. After a few minutes, the phone is answered.

"Hello?" A sad sounding Louis answers.

"Hey buddy. How ya doing?" Harry asks. We hear him sigh and my heart sinks.

"I've been better, are you all on your way?" He asks.

"Yep!" I call from the front seat. There is an awkward silence when Zayn decides to blurt the question on everyone's mind.

"Is Allison okay?" No response. I start to get worried that he hung up on us.

"Louis?" Niall asks timidly.

"Yea....?" He responds, taking that fear out of me.

"Is she okay?" Niall asks.

"I... I don't know...." He says quietly. "They won't let me see her...."

We sit there in shock, and I almost lose control of the steering wheel. They won't let him see her.... What the hell are they thinking?! Calm down Liam...  I think to myself as I pull into the parking lot, right in front of the doors.

"Lou? I'm sending the lads in to help you." I say as they get out of the car.

"Thank you Liam...' He says and hangs up.  Harry is the last to climb out. He closes the door and I watch him follow the rest of the lads inside. I drive around to find a parking spot. I settle for one in about the middle and get out. I sprint to the doors and slow to a walk when I hit the doors. Not literally of course. I walk inside  and up to the front desk.

"Allison Tomlinson's room please." I ask her and she looks up at me.

"Last door on the left." She says and looks back at her computer. I walk past, glancing back to see she is on Facebook, chatting with someone. I sigh and walk to Allison's room. I open the door slightly to see Louis crying on Harry's shoulder, the other lads sitting and sulking. I look at Allison, she is hooked up to a heart monitor and an IV drip. There are heavy bandages on her wrists and she is lying still as a statue. I walk over to her and Louis looks at me.

"Liam...." He says and I look at him.

"Yea mate?'' I ask, going over to him and sitting next to him.

"The doctor came in and said...." He trails off and buries his face into Harry's shoulder. I look at Harry.

"The doctor said she was in a coma."



CLIFFHANGER!! DUN DUN DUN (No not really...)

Sorry this is sooooooo short!!! I've been soo busy and will be later this week. Stupid family reunion....

I've been in Beautiful Kingston Ontario!! Then up to my cabin, which somehow broke Wattpad on my phone..... Dunno how?

Where are my readers from? It's the one thing that has just occurred to me... Please comment A country you are from. I know a few of my readers personally. :)

I'm from Saskatchewan Canada. Ask me questions if you have any. I'll answer them all, anything under the sun! Haha. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Also.... Please check out my new Fanfiction. I'm Not Supposed to fall in Love. Please  and Thank you!!!!!!!

~Allison <3

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