Chapter 26

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Louis' POV

"So many fans...." Zayn complains as he struggles to fix his hair. We grabbed Niall some McDonalds and climbed back into the limo.

"This isn't as good as Nandos." He says to himself while scarfing down a Double Big Mac and an extra large fries. Liam and Harry are talking to each other quietly and I pull out my phone. I dial Alli's number and shoot her a text.

To: AlliKat<3

Signing just ended, stopped to grab Niall some food and on our way home.

Love ya Babe! :-*



From: AlliKat<3


See you soon...



I read over the text message. Is she okay? I think to myself and brush it off. She's probably busy or something. I stare out the window. Another twenty minutes until we get back. We stop at a light and a man is looking at us as he walks past. I glance at him through our tinted windows. He smirks as Liam glances out the window.

"Isn't that Max.....?" He asks slowly. The rest of the lads crowd at the window and he continues down the street. The driver must be able to sense the tense air between all of us or the light changed at that moment, because we speed down the street and Niall, Zayn and Harry fall on top of each other and Niall's food spill all over he food in the limo. Liam and I laugh.

"Niall you spilt your drink on my hair!!" Zayn exclaims and crawls out of the pile. Liam tries stop laughing, and I just laugh harder, causing me to fall on top of them. The limo stops and the driver looks back at us.

"We're here." He says, and we all can tell he's trying not to laugh.

"Go ahead and laugh, we know its funny." Harry pipes up from the bottom of the pile. He starts laughing and the rest of us join in. Zayn is the only one not laughing, due to the pop that has spilt in his hair. We all fall out of the limo, literally, and make our way to the front steps.

"THANK YOU!!!!!!" We all yell as the driver as he drives off, then hurry inside.

"Allison!!!! We're home!!!!!!!" Harry yells. Niall goes straight to the fridge and pulls out some pizza. The rest of them plop down in front of the TV and I make my way downstairs to my room. There is faint crying coming from the bathroom and water leaking from under the door. I knock quietly and the sound of metal hitting the floor worries me.

"Allison? Is that you in there?" I ask.

"Just a second!" A frantic and scared call floats through the door. Drawers open and close, along with the sound of tape and the water turning off. I open the door to see pinkish water around her and a razor with red on the edge. She is quickly wrapping up her wrists and trying to clean up the water. I stand there in shock and she turns around, tears streaming down her pale face. I rush over to her and pick her up. Her eyes start to flutter close as blood colors the bandages, turning them a dark red.

"LIAM!!!!" I yell as I run upstairs. The lads look in shock and Liam grabs the phone, calling 911.

"Should we tell Andy and Paul?" Niall asks. I sit at the edge of the couch, holding her hand and Zayn is grabbing more bandages.

"Liam! Call Paul!" I yell at him as he's explaining what happened.

"What's her last name?!?!" Liam yells. Everyone has a blank look on their face.

"Say Tomlinson!" I yell back at him. He looks confused, but says it anyway.

"Why did you do that?!" Zayn exclaims as Liam hangs up and dials Paul's number. I take the bandages from him.

"Not like any of us actually know her last name." I snap, wrapping the bandage around her wrists.

"Zayn. Harry. Go clean up the downstairs bathroom. Niall, grab her some water and something small to eat." I snap at them. They hurry off as Liam gets off the phone.

"Paul's pissed and Andy is in shock. According to him she's done this before." Liam informs me. I look down at her small and fragile body, which seems to be getting colder by the second.

"What if they can't save her?" I say, choked back with tears. I feel like I'm going to vomit. Were we blind to see the signs? Why did she do this? Niall comes back with a glass of water and some toast. Liam takes it from him, then says something to him that I don't hear. I don't care either, I just want her to wake up. A hand rests on my shoulder as I feel tears sting my eyes.

"She's going to be fine." Liam says, just as Niall runs back into the room. I dint even notice he left.

"The ambulance is here!" He exclaims breathless as the paramedics rush in. Liam pulls me out of the way. One of them picks her up as another faces me, Liam and Niall

"Which one of you were we on the phone with?" She asks seriously. Liam raises his hand slightly and she motions him into the kitchen.

"May I have a word with you?"

"Sure." Liam replies and follows her into the kitchen. She looks back at me.

"If you're family then you can sit in the back with her." She says and I nod.

"Thank you." I follow the man carrying her and a wave of jealousy washes over me. I brush it off, telling myself he is trying to help her, and climb in after he gets out of the back. I sit next to the stretcher they set her on and take her hand. I kiss her forehead and whisper.

"Everything is going to be okay, you are going to wake up and be okay." I feel her squeeze my hand gently, or I imagined her doing it. Either way, for my sake and peace of mind, or then thought she might actually be able to hear me, I look at her pale face and say.

"I will love you forever, from sunrise to sunset and everything in between. You are the love of my life. I love you more than the stars that shine or the grass that grows. I will always be there for you." I whisper and kiss her on the lips.



Heeeyyy Dere everyone! How's it going? I want to start with an apology, then explanation.

I am sorry it took so long for me to update. Reasons being;

1) Finals. I am almost done and I still need to study for Science. Please forgive me if I don't in the next few days.

2) Shit in my life. *mini rant time* I'm going on this trip to Ontario for a week and I leave this Saturday. But my leader seems to hate me... And being like that, I get in trouble for everything.

So I've been dealing with that and studying, plus my social life (which is sorta microscopic :P) and family time. So I apologize once again and ask for forgiveness.

On a happier note (ish), tell me what you think! I know this is more of a sad chapter but its not over yet! please bear with me as I finish this.


I don't know how many times I have said this but I truly mean it. Thank you to those who have, it is greatly appreciated!

Imma stop wasting your time (if you actually read this....) and let you continue on with your life.

Baaaiiii Directioners!!!!


Undiscovered Talent (A One Direction Fan Fiction) {Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz