Chapter 35

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Niall's POV

I've been sitting at the table for about an hour, scrolling through my Twitter feed. I look up at Lou to see if he's okay. He's been pacing for the past hour and we are all worried about him. Zayn went up an hour ago to crash, Liam is making lunch and Harry is playing video games.

"Lou?" I ask him. He looks at me, eyes full of worry.

"Lou come sit down please." I plead him quietly. I think he sees the worry in my eyes, because he sits down next to me. 

"Mate, why are you so worried?" I ask. He sighs and looks around the room. Liam sets food in front of Louis and I.

"Harry! Go get Zayn and tell him lunch is ready! Lou, we'll go get Allison after lunch alright?" Louis nods and Harry groans and makes his way upstairs. I hear some arguing as Zayn and Harry tumble down the stairs, acting like themselves again. I smile and scarf down my food as Louis smiles slightly, picking at his.

"Zayn. Harry. Both of you eat, then we're going to pick up Allison." Liam says, using his "Daddy Direction" role to the max. They both nod and eat. Liam eats a bit when Louis stands up.

"I'll be in the van...: He says and walks outside. Zayn looks up.

"I don't think all of us will fit with Allison.. So can I volunteer to wait here?" he asks, clearly still half asleep. Liam nods.

"Sure Zayn. You just need sleep don't you.." He asks. Zayn nods and gets up, carrying his food to his room. Harry, Liam and I stand up. 

"Let's go." I say as we all go outside.


Allison's POV

I sit on the hospital bed, waiting to the lads to come pick me up. I can't stop thinking about my mum. Tears fill my eyes and I wipe them away as one of the nurses walks in with a tray of food. She sets it down on the table next to me and checks my blood pressure, along with all the other contraptions and gizmos in the room.

"Do I get to go home today?" I ask. She nods and I smile. I start eating the horrible tasting food and grimace as she squeezes to tightly on my arm.

"Ow..." I say. She completely ignores me as she squeezes tighter. I quietly whimper and push her away.

"Miss Tomlinson, you know better than that." She scolds, reminding me of my mother. Why was I never informed I was registered under Louis' name..?  I think to myself and glare at the nurse. She walks out of the room and I look at my wrists. The bandages haven't come off, so I start picking at them. A hand rests on top of mine and I look up, glaring at the man above me.

"Leave me alone!!" I yell at him. He covers my mouth.

"Shh... Allison it's perfectly alright. I just want to talk.


Louis' POV

I'm sitting in the van on my phone. I send Allison a text and close my eyes. I feel awful after getting virtually no sleep the night before. Just for a minute...  I think, not noticing the other lads getting in and the van moving. After what feels like a minute, Liam is shaking my shoulder.

"Louis.. Louis wake up. We're here." He says. I groan and rub my eyes. 

"Lou it's been ten minutes.." Niall says and we climb out of the van.

"Oh.." Is all I can say. We walk inside and I make a beeline towards Allison's room when security stops me.

"You can't go in yet." He says simply. I'm fuming. How dare he keep me from her! I glance at Harry and his face says almost the same thing. Weird... 

"Why not? She's alright isn't she?" Liam asks. The guard nods.

"She's preoccupied at the moment with another visitor, one who doesn't want them to be disturbed." He states, half glaring at me. I step back towards Liam when I hear Allison whimper. Niall "Accidentally" causes a commotion in the cafeteria, making the guard rush to stop him. Liam nods and runs to help Niall as Harry and I make a beeline to Allison's room. 

"Let me go!!" She half screams. Harry gets the door open, only to see Allison laying on the bed with her eyes closed and a figure running out of the room. I rush over to her side and take her hand.

"Allison? Please wake up." I beg quietly in her ear and kiss her cheek. Harry walks over and takes her other hand. A nurse walks, dragging Niall and Liam with her.

"Do these two belong to you?" She asks, not sounding impressed. Harry nods.

"Um.. Could you come check on her please?" He asks. She walks over, almost shoving me and Harry out of the way. She checks her pulse and something else and looks at us.

"She's just sleeping. You can take her home anytime." She says and walks out. We nod and I kiss her forehead. Her eyes flutter open and I greet her with a warm smile.




I am so so SOOOOOO sorry for a super late update. Stuff has been hectic and everything and yea... I am so sorry,

Please forgive me?

I will be ending this soon, so yea.

I will thank you all now for reading and sticking with me. Please please PLEASE leave feedback, it's always appreciated. =D

Love you all!!!! <3


Undiscovered Talent (A One Direction Fan Fiction) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now